Chapter 5 - Luke

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Chapter 5 - Luke

For the first time since Cameron arrived it was nice to talk to her, to see a glimpse of the 'real' her that was hidden behind walls. When I saw her all dressed up for Chase's party it was like she was finally trying to enjoy herself, by actually participating and interacting with others around her. Her snarky comments were still thrown at me on a daily base but I didn't mind them anymore. I knew she didn't mean what she said and it was just her way of deflecting attention off of herself. Cameron was a really quiet person, she rarely talked in class and at lunch when I caught glimpses of her she was still silent. Funny thing is she actually started hanging out with Lauren, a girl from our English class a lot. I was surprised by her friend choice because Cameron was coy, rude and quiet but Lauren was outgoing, perky and loud... They were complete opposites. Each week Cameron grew on me and I started enjoy her company even though the only time we would talk was in English or on the ride home, she never came out of her room unless it was band practice or dinner. So when my Mum suggested I invite her to come along with Cal, Ash and I for Chase's party I was thrilled. Again I offered to show her around but she once again refused. I thought I'd see her sometime during the party curled up in a corner with her headphones on but I was mistaken.

I headed outside to find Ash and stumbled upon Cameron and a bunch of other people from school. Cameron and a guy were talking off to the side of the group quite intently. I could see by the way he was standing he was interested in her. In that moment she looked over at me observing her and grinned.

Her next movement completely shocked me- she stuck out her hand and shook the mystery mans. I had never seen Cameron make any physical contact with anyone since she's been here. At lunch Lauren tried to link their arms together like all typical high school girls do but Cameron would flinch and move away.

Without even knowing what I was doing I found myself walking over to her.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi," she replied with an annoyed tone.

"Luke, oh hey mate, how've you been?" the guy said to me.

I turned to face the speaker and noticed it was Lance, Mrs. O'Donnell's son.

"I'm doing great. You seem to have gotten a lot better," I stated.

"Well staying in the hospital for a month should do the trick," he said laughing.

I glanced over at Cameron to see her give him a small smile.

"Who knew my almost roomie and my former roomie knew each other," she said.

"Wait- you're the girl who was supposed to be staying with us?" Lance asked shocked.

"Yeah she was but my Mum offered to house her," I replied.

"I've got to put up with this loser all day," Cameron replied to Lance referring to me, "any room at your house for me?"

Lance laughed and I gave her a glare.

"LUKE!" I heard someone scream from behind me.

I turned around to see Ashton running towards me.

"Ash, yeah what's the matter?" I replied with a concern. He was panting and had an unpleasant look on his face.

"I tried calling you but I guess because of all the noise you couldn't hear the sound. Cal tripped and hurt his foot pretty bad, I'm going to take him to the hospital," he replied.

"Oh crap, have you called his Mum?" I asked.

"I couldn't get in contact with her."

"Is she not at home?" Cameron asked.

Facade - Hemmingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें