Chapter 29 - Luke

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Dedicated to fivesaucewhoop because they are one of my favourite authors on wattpad and I wish they saw my stuff. xo

Chapter 29 - Luke

I wasn't too excited about going over to the Fitzgerald's tonight but my Mum wanted me to go and I knew the only way to finally get Cameron out of my life for good was to do this. It was just for my Mum but I needed to do so myself, I had to make the feelings I had for Cameron disappear.

Since we didn't have a car and practically had to walk everywhere Mum and I were currently sitting in the back of a taxi cab. When we gave the driver the address he seemed really shocked and confused about it, asking if we were 'sure about it'. That was quite odd.

But as we pulled up to the outside gates I understood why. The Fitzgerald's house was basically 10 mansions combined.

"Wow," I said aloud, before I could stop myself.

"It's a very nice house," my Mum replied obviously trying not to show her real feelings.

"It's gigantic!" I exclaimed.

"It is," she replied, "but we better not mention the size inside, I'm sure they don't like people ogling their house."

"Ya course," I answered her.

"OK, this is the furthest I can go," the taxi driver spoke to us.

"What do you mean?" My Mum asked him, "if you drive up to the gates they're expecting us."

"I'm sure they are Ma'am," he spoke with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Whatever Mum lets just get out," I said disgusted at the way he was talking to her.

My Mum gave me a look and then stepped out of the cab, she paid the driver the money but I'd hoped she wouldn't give him a tip. Nevertheless I'm sure she did.

"Why would you tip him?" I spat out as we walked towards the gates.

"It's the polite thing to do," she replied.

"But he was being rude to you- to us!" I exclaimed.

"Two wrongs don't make a right Luke," she told me sternly.

"Ya, ya," I mumbled under my breath.

As we approached the gates all I could seen was an intercom and one of those security cameras facing it. I assumed we had to buzz ourselves in or something like that. I pressed the button before my Mum could tell me otherwise- this caused her to give me the look. You know the one where they (parents) go, 'seriously, you really just said/ did that'. Ya that was the one I received.

"Who is this?" A thick accent rang through the intercom.

"Liz and Luke Hemmings," my Mum spoke into it.

"Where have you come from?" He asked, what?

"From our apartment in London," my Mum answered.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat, "what country?"


"Correct, now last question- how do you know the Firzgerald's?"

My Mum gave me a weird look and I smiled back at her, "Cameron lived with us in Aus."

"Correct! One second," the voice spoke and the gates began to open. This was definitely modern day tech, it scared me a bit.

The driveway was long, I wondered why the car couldn't have just driven us all the way up to the house.

I wondered what Cameron was thinking about us coming tonight, after what happened at the show a couple days ago. I wasn't really sure if she wanted to see me at all. I also wondered if she even knew that I was coming, I assumed she wouldn't want us to come over.

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