Chapter 8 - Cameron

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Chapter 8 - Cameron

I didn't know why Lance and I got on so well but we did, he was like the other half of me that I never knew existed. We were so similar and his presence always made me happy. I enjoyed spending time with him and when I found out he played the guitar we started to play together, well he played the guitar and I sang. I played the piano but the Hemmings' didn't have one of those in their house.

I also had no idea that Luke was upset because of that- because Lance and I were friends. And to be honest I did give Lance a chance, actually two if I remember properly, but I didn't with Luke. Now his actions this past month made sense, I saw the way he reached out to try to talk and befriend me. And I actually felt bad now, he still annoyed me but I did live with the kid. Ugh I hated it when my conscious got to me.

I headed up to Luke's room reluctantly. When I reached his door I knocked.

"Don't come in," I heard his voice shout.

I rolled my eyes and opened the door anyways. If I was going to make an effort to talk to him he was going to listen. My way or the highway.

"I said- oh Cameron," he said taking his headphones out and sitting up to face me.

For some odd reason I lost all train of thought and I had forgotten the reason I entered his room for.

"I've never been in here before," I finally said trying to remember why I was here, "you have lots of band posters," I continued observing all the walls in his room.

One poster in particular caught my eye.

"You like All Time Low?" I asked shocked. They seemed too hip for this anime child.

"Course, the boys and I play them all the time, thought you would've known that," he replied sarcastically.

"Well I tend to try and block you all out so it must have slipped past me," I said pissed that he was being dry to me when I made the effort to come talk to him.

"So did you come in here to examine my room?" He said harshly.

"No actually but since you're being a dick I-"

"Wait no, sorry Cameron," he said just as I turned around to leave. And with that I remembered why I was here. I didn't know how to tell him. I turned back and looked at him.

"No Luke, I should- I really- I-" I struggled.

"I understand," he said interrupting me. I was relieved that he didn't force it out of me, that was actually shocking since he liked to push me to my limits. But I was grateful.

"Okay," I said and headed towards the door.

"And Luke," I said knowing I had to say this.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Let's try and be friends," I said and smiled, and it was indeed genuine.

And I walked out of his room.


"Earth to Cameron."

"Ah sorry Lance," I said and then glanced at my mobile. I had a new text from "Luke The Anime". I slid my finger across to unlock it.

"Could we practise our Frankenstein monologue in a bit?" It read.

It'd been 3 weeks since I agreed to try and be friends with Luke, and it'd been going well. We still fought, at least every other day but we'd both get over it quickly.

Last week Mr. Matthews told us the partner we'd been answering the Frankenstein questions with was now our monologue partner which was the big assignment for our mid term report. At first I was upset that Luke and I would have to spend extra time together but when we began the assignment I realized that he was actually really smart and had some really good ideas. We had a couple of arguments picking the topic that we should focus on but we came to an agreement that I was happy with. We ended up using the topic I wanted haha.

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