Chapter 4 - Cameron

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Chapter 4 - Cameron

After lunch ended I headed over to the class that intrigued me the most. I had never been to a school that had a separate program for "special" kids. I had been in programs and even conventions before for troubled teens but they didn't help. I knew the first class was the most crucial, not for us "delinquents" but for the teacher. If they showed us respect and care we would react the same way, I'd been to enough classes to know how our 'delinquent' brains worked. I walked into the class. Everyone looked normal. That may again not be the proper word to use. Let's just say that if you were walking down the street you wouldn't be able to pick out a troubled teen. But then again that's what our speciality was. No one knew what haunted us until they broke down the walls- if they could break down the walls.

"Hello, I am Miss. Michael. Today is my first day teaching a Norwest and I'm happy I get to work with unique teens like each one of you."

I heard a couple of chuckles in the background but focused my attention back to Miss. Michael.

"You are all here for a reason, you may not know that reason or you may. My goal is to show you that whatever the reason is that you are here, it doesn't define you," she ended.

That was a different type of introduction. Parts of it were similar to the other groups I'd been a part of but the fact that she sort of related herself to us was new. I'm guessing she was trying to gain trust. If we trusted her our secrets would spill out like gossip from a cheerleader's mouth.

Our first assignment was to write 500 words about what'd we'd like to do with our lives and tomorrow we'd hand it into Miss. Michael

The class ended and I headed straight to the front of the school to meet Liz. I hoped in the back seat as we waited for Luke.

"How was your first day?"

"Fine. Boring," I stated.

"So the usual?" she said grinning.

"Yeah," I laughed, "I guess so."

After a long car ride home we finally reached the Hemmings' house. I grabbed my bag and headed down to my room. I opened up my books and started on the Frankenstein questions Luke and I were assigned to answer. Just as the finished answering them I heard a loud ruckus coming from right outside of my room. I remember Luke saying something about how his cartoon character look a-like friends were coming over for band practise.

"Looks like Brock and Naruto have arrived," I said facing the blonde and his black haired friend.

They both exchanged puzzled looks with Luke and then back at each other. Finally Brock decided to speak.

"It that our nicknames?" he asked.

"You could call them that I guess," I replied with a smirk.

"And how come I don't get one?" I heard the voice from behind me say.

I turned away from Naruto and Brock and looked at the feminine looking child known as Luke.

"Because then I'd have to put time and effort into thinking of one for you. And that would mean that I'd have to care," I stated with the smirk still on my face.

I walked past the stunned Luke and headed upstairs. I heard Naruto and Brock laughing and Luke scolding them to be quiet. Luke was too easy of a target for me. The way he constantly thought he could outwit me at my own game.

The weeks passed on by, slowly but surely. For school I completed all my assignments and homework and I even shared my answers with Luke. Naruto, Brock, Luke and some other anime character had a gig on the first weekend I spent in Australia and I was forced to go to. It had been their first one and as much as it pains me to say it... they weren't half bad. Of course I was definitely not into the type of music they sang or played but I saw potential.

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