Chapter 22 - Cameron

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Dedicated to Sav_and_Cat because they're the only ones who commented on the last chapter xo

Chapter 22 - Cameron

Today was the day. Well not the day but the day before I was going home. Tonight was the end of the year dance. I wasn't exactly content on going but I knew I should. It was after the last dance I would ever attend in Australia- or in general. Plus I sort of secretly wanted to go, it'd be the last time I'd get to see a lot of people. Only a few knew I was leaving the day after the dance. Most of the TT teens were going home a couple of weeks later, there were a lot of after school parties and most of them wanted to attend them. The only people who actually knew I was leaving were the O'Donnell's and Lauren. I was going to stop by the Hemmings' house on the way to the airport tomorrow, Jane offered to do that for me.

I had to say goodbye to Liz and Andrew, after everything they'd done for me- it was what I owed them and was happy to do. I was scared of running into Luke at the Hemmings', he did after all live there. I didn't know what I would say to him if I saw him, I didn't even know if he wanted to talk to me.

Over the past couple of months I've tried smiling at him or doing something, so maybe he wouldn't hate me forever with every inch in his body, but I never once was returned a smile from the blond boy. I think he made his feelings clear, just as I had made mine.

It just seemed so sudden- leaving and all, it feels like I just arrived and a second later I'm being sent back to England, back to live with my parents. I have to admit I was going to miss the attention I got in Aus that was lacked at the Fitzgerald household. I'm pretty sure the first week was going to be OK because I knew my parents did have somewhat of a heart, they sent me an email a couple of days ago saying they'd booked off the first 2 weeks of my return. However I'm sure that will change, something will come up- it always does.

I was really looking forward to seeing Tom, my half brother. He owed me and apology and a lifetime supply of chocolate milk (my favourite drink). The look he gave me when I was at the police station was pity, he knew that it was supposed to be him in that chair being interrogated. However he never actually said sorry to me or apologized, I hoped it was because cameras and officers were always around me since the incident. I was practically shipped off.

I honestly knew that the police were sure the coke wasn't mine. I didn't have a bad history or even a history at all with the law. I wondered if my half brother had told my parents the truth, that I was innocent and the soon to be lawyer was the guilty one.

I could just imagine my father scolding him but then congratulating him on not screwing up his life, and letting a minor take the fall for a crime she didn't commit. My mother however though would be furious, I know she would- my half brother or her step son didn't always get along. The rarely ever did but they tried for my father. He loved them both and I know he couldn't choose between the two of them.

And then there was me. The lone wolf on the outside, I'd be isolated so much from my family I enjoyed being alone. How pathetic was I.

Back to school though exams had gone well, I ended up acing all of them- Lance makes me give credit to him though for my Maths exam. In return I decided to help him set up a few romantic dates for Serena, they fit so well together, I'm happy for my best friend, or former best friend.

I know as soon as I go back to a London they will all forget about me, I don't want them to. I want them to come and visit as they promised and write or text me everyday. I really have no one at home who cares in the slightest for me as I feel like these people do.

When I'm older I'd be very pleased to live in Aus. The 10 months I've spent here have been the best 10 months of my life.

"Cameron, almost done?" Lauren's voice called to me from outside the bathroom.

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