Welcome To My Life Bitches

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After Simon dropped the bomb, things went at the speed of 100Km/s. William and I rushed to the precinct and left Simon in case the kid was attacked again. Afterall he was a loose end. Higgins said that Brandon's neighbours heard strange breaking sounds from his house this time and they called the police. When the police arrived, everything was amiss and the entire house was turned upside down. Not literally ofcourse. Brandon was nowhere to be seen and there was a pool of blood in the living room. It had been sent to the forensics to check whose blood it was. It would either be Brandon's or the attacker's. It was just a matter of hours.

"I have no idea what is going on here" I mumbled.

"You just spoke my mind" William said.

"I don't know what to do" I said "I have not seen Jack for over twelve hours. The killer is sure to have gone crazy after that kid ran away from his bondage. I don't know why but I am worried about that asshole Brandon, more than just on the professional level. He was a decent fellow, once you put off all the weird sexual escapades of his. I don't know which lead to follow. Should I wait for the report on the blood sample? Should I badger Sally to work fast and find the real address of the blogger? Should I go to search Brandon? Should I go and ask the kid questions? Should I offer myself to pirhanas?" I rambled on.

Apparently stress does this to me.

I don't lose my nerve in cases but in this one more than one people I care about is involved.

Yes I admit it okay?

I care about Brandon. I care about William. Heck...I even care about Simon. And I don't have to mention Jack. Ever thought this is how is it gonna be after you get engaged? Welcome to my life bitches.

"Calm down Lorel" I heard William's voice "And put down the gun" 


 I saw that William was standing with his body in full attention mode. I looked down and saw that I had my gun in my hands and I fiddling with the safety of my gun. I let it drop like it burned my hand. How can I be so irresponsible?

"Sorry" I mumbled.

"Fisher are you okay?" William asked "You know you can go home and take some rest. You don't look well. I can cover for you. Its not like we can do much now except just to wait. I will inform you if something important turns up"

"Thanks for the offer, but I think I will stay" I heavily said.

"Are you sure? You look like you will put a bullet through someone's head right now"

"Not gonna argue about that" I smirked.

Just then Sally knocked on the door.

"I think I found a crack in the firewall" she said "It will take at most 20 mins for me to trace the address"

"You go girl" I jumped up,happy that someone finally gave me some good news.

"Eh okay" she looked creeped out.

"Enthusiastic, are we?" William asked.

"What do you expect? Some good news in this situation is like water in the desert" 

He laughed at that. His phone rang.

"Hey Sim" he said.

I watched his facial expression. It turned from shocked to amused and then to downright happy.

"Okay send it to me as soon as its complete" he cut the call.

I raised one eyebrow at him.

"After I tell you this I am sure you gonna get up on the desk and nae nae" William said.

"Just spill"

"Well my dear partner....Joey is ready to describe the killer and the painter is on the way to the hospital" he grinned "Now will you do the dance?"

"Oh my Goddd!" I screeched "That's just like when you not only find water in a desert but talking fish friends in the water as well" 

"You are weird" William laughed.

"Thanks for the compliment Cruze" 

My phone ringed. I picked without checking the ID.

"Lorel Fisher speaking" I said my voice still giddy.



"That's right and if you want to see your precious pretty little boyfriend alive then I expect you to come at your house in half an hour. Alone. I asked you to drop out now you gotta pay the price sweetheart" a gruff voice said and the call got cut.

The phone fell from my hands.

"Lorel, are you alright?" William pushed.

I can't believe this is happening. My head spinned and I had to sit down on the floor. 

"Lorel...whats the matter? Who was it?" William asked crouching down beside me.

"I..Its J..J..Jack" 

"Is he alright?"

"NO" my throat clogged.

"Shit Lorel. You are having a panic attack" William said and rubbed my back.

Tears fell down my eyes. I did this. I should have stopped when I still had time. I jeopardized the life of the person whom I love the most.

"For god's sake Lorel tell me what is it?" 

"He has him William. He will kill him"

"Who has him?"

"The killer" I whispered "I gotta do something. I can't just let him die"

I darted up almost hitting William on the nose.

"What the fuck Lorel..you can't go alone" William said.

"Yes I CAN" I said "He wanted me to come alone otherwise he will kill Jack"

"But its not safe for you" he snapped.

"I don't care about myself at this moment. It is my fault and I have to fix it. My life is not that important at this moment" I snapped back.

That silenced him. I took it my cue to leave. I grabbed my gun and was about to exit when I was pulled into a rock hard chest. William held me by my shoulders and said in an exceedingly creepy cool tone.

"You can not care about yourself but other people do. I will be there if I don't hear from you in one hour" he said in a firm voice.

One look at his face and I knew he would not budge from his decision.

"Make that two" I said and left.

I reached our apartment in merely ten minutes. I checked for William's men and they were nowhere to be found. Useless.

I took in a huge breath to calm my already shaken nerves.

'I am coming for you Jack' I thought and pushed open the door.

The entire apartment was dark...I stepped in cautiously knowing that he was somewhere in there.

A hard thing hit my head and it all went black.


Any comments? 

Pretty much intense eh?

Its almost the end now.

Until then.

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