The Sex Is Great

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I have no idea what we were looking for there. The house was a mess. Every furniture seemed to be amiss. What the hell can we find in such a mess? Even if there had been a clue,there was no way in hell we can pinpoint it out. It looks like a tornado ripped through every last nook of their house. 

"Wow! I am impressed. Our guy has a very active sex life. I bet the sex is great" William muttered.

Even in such a situation, he can only link this mess with sex. God..such a pervert.

"Well it is really a huge mess" Simon said eyeing the place.

"I really don't understand why this place is in such a mess. It almost looks like there was a lot of struggle between the victim and the killer" I said . My eyes fixed on Simon.

After the heart to heart moment in the car I dared not look William in the eye. I was not used to that side of William. Ask me to have a bull fight or an insulting championship with William...I'm in. But a heart to heart convo with him? I would rather go bungee jumping without the rope.

"Or between the victim and his girlfriend" William said.

"Can you please keep your sex jokes at bay for a moment? This is serious. If we don't catch the killer soon..Higgins will have our asses" I said exasperated.

"Fuck Higgins. HE can do nothing about it. He doesn't even know a thing about such investigations. He just sits in his so called cabin and watch porn in the name of working. I don't even know which butthead made him the head of the precinct." William made a face.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing. He made such a funny face. It looked like a cross between Mr Potatohead and Rex the dinosaur. When I finally stopped laughing I saw a grin etched on his face. 

I know what he was doing. He was trying to cheer me up. Trying to get my mind off Higgins warning. And I'm going to say it..I'm grateful for that. 

"Who's Higgins?" Simon said waltzing into the living room.

William and I shared a look of disbelief. 

"Seriously?" we both said at the same time.

"What?" Simon said with an innocent look "I am bad at names. Don't judge."

I just shook my head.

"Get your asses up boys and look for some something useful evidence so that we can shove it up Higgins big fat ass" I said and stared digging through the debris.

William dragged Simon to another room and I heard Simon whisper "You still haven't told me who's Higgins by the way."

What am I gonna do with them?


Nothing. I got nothing.

 I have searched the entire living room and the kitchen to every possible nook and corner. Twice. But still there is nothing that I can pin down as suspicious. Every item was pretty normal. Items that has to be present in every house. Basic necessities. Nothing out of the box. 

This frustated me beyond imagination. 

I walked inside the bedroom that William was searching. 

"Got anything?" he asked going through a bunch of papers.

"Nope. You?" I asked.

"No..not yet" he replied.

"What do you mean not yet? You still haven't searched the entire room?"

"Just not the closet. Simons' on it."

Within just a minute, Simon emerged from the walk in closet with......a bra hanging down his ears.

"I got nothing guys" he said "no guns. Nothing"

"Errr..Simon" I said.

William had his fist on his mouth..trying hard not to laugh.

"On your ear" I motioned towards his right ear.

"Whats on my ear?" he reached up and pulled it down. The dumbfounded expression oh his face made William laugh out loud. I could not help but giggle. 

"Where the hell did it come from?" Simon said.

"You really should.......try wearing...... them on both ears........Sim" William said in between laughing fits.

"Haha. Real mature Will" Simon rolled his eyes.

"I am serious" William suddenly stopped laughing and looked Simon dead in the eye.

"Err...." Simon couldn't say anything.

"Chill man" Will started laughing again "I am just kidding. Gosh the look on your face is priceless"

Wait a second.

Hold the Monkeys.

Did I just call him Will?

Holy SHIT!

This is all Simon's fault.

 I shook the thought off my mind and watched them two laugh. Then it hit me. It hit me hard. 

"Wait Wait Wait! Guys!!" I yelled.

"Whats the matter?"Simon asked me.

"Our victims a guy right?" I asked.

They just nodded.

"Then why the hell is he having a bra in his closet?"


"Maybe he has a girlfriend?" William suggested.

"If he has a girlfriend then why are there no other ornaments of a girl other than the bra?" I questioned.

"He broke up with her?" Simon weakly stated.

"No offence man but you are a really good spy. Just a spy.......not a detective" William said.

"Yeah you are right. Carry on you guys" Simon said.

"This has to be something" I said "we need to take it back as evidence."

"I guess we can" William said "and when he comes to his sense, we can ask him about it and why is it present in his closet."

"Yeah. Here..put it in" I said handing over a evidence bag.

"I hope you say that to me someday when we are in bed" William grinned, proud at making a pass at me.

"I think I'll be asking 'did you put it in?' instead" I said.

"At least you accepted that we will end up in bed someday" William carried on his nonsense.

"Shut up Cruze"

"As you wish Fisher"

"Whoa! Do you guys really always bicker like that? I think you should just have ..."


William's phone rang before Simon could finish the sentence.

"Hello?" he said "Yes sir. Alright Sir"

"What is it?" I asked.

"It was Higgins" he said.

I waited for him to complete.

"The victim...he's in a coma"


So how is the story going so far?

What do you think will happen next?

Tell me in the comments.

Until then..


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