Is He The.......?

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I slammed the door of my Datsun. I drove like a crazy maniac to the graveyard. Fear shivered through my body, a million question running through my mind. I walk towards the gate but it was closed. How do I get inside? I decided to climb the fence. It was not that the fence was very high. Hauling my ass up the fence I landed on the other side with a thud. Inspite of being trained to handle myself in such situation I can't help but feel the shiver that goes down my spine.

But can you blame me? I am literally walking on dead people. 

"William" I called.

There was no answer. 

I didn't want to alert the killer if he was present there so I decided to call him instead. I checked the gun at my waist just in case it comes handy and then picked up my cell phone to call him. I pressed the call button and listened to the dial tone, keeping my other ear perked up just in case I can hear William's ringtone. 

And sure enough I heard a faint sound in the distance. I followed the phone not cutting the call. Cautiously I neared and neared the sound. And soon enough the phone was also visible, the light of the phone illuminating the small spot. It was kept on a grave. And beside it were two bottles lying around. I swooped down to check it and found them empty. It was beer. I was about to pick up the phone when someone tackled me to the ground.

"Aufffff..." the wind was knocked out of me.

Before I could grab my gun, I see a sharp piece of glass hold close to my eye. Just a few millimeters away from my face. 

"Move and I kill you" a gruff voiced person who was strandling me spoke. I could feel the alcohol in his breath.

 Is this it? Is this the killer? Is it the end? Is William already dead? Thoughts like this ran wild through my mind. I tried to look at the person face, but having a piece of glass that close to your eye is not as fascinating as it sounds. And the night was not helping either. All I could see is the silhouette of the person.

"Do NOT touch her" the person said.

Wait a moment. I know that voice!

"William?" I ask my voice cracking.

Is he really the..?

"How do you know my name?" he asked.

"What? Don't you know me? I am Lorel, your partner" I said.

"Lorel?" his voice softened and he removed the shard from my face. He got off me. I propped myself on my window looking clearly at him for the first time. His cheeks were tear strained and he was clearly drunk. His eyes were glassy and his hair was sticking out from all sides. There was a cut on his forehead which had dried with blood. He looked like he had been dragged to hell and back.


I don't know why but I felt a pang in my chest.

"What happened William?" I whispered. 

And he did something I never expected him to do. He crawled and hugged me so tight that it was difficult to breath.

"I am so sorryyyy Lorel.. I didn't want to..." he sobbed. 

"Didn't want to what?" 

"To take the picture"

I tore myself from him so that I could see his face. He was crying again. 

"Which picture?" I asked,dreading the answer.

"The picture from your desk" he said "You know who is the nerdy guy in the picture?"

I just shook my head in denial.

"Its me Lorel" he said "I am that boy. I am the boy in the picture. I am the boy everyone picked on college. I am the boy who liked books. I am the boy who stayed away from girls. I am the boy who fate chose. I am the boy who fell hard. I am the boy who willingly got his heart broke. I am the boy Lorel.. I am the boy" he crawled up to the place where his phone was. 

I kept quite. I don't know what to say. He is the boy in the picture, that means he lied to me when I asked whether he had seen the picture. Why would he do that? Is he ..?

NO! Its impossible...

"And do you wonder who the girl is?" he smiled as he reached the grave. 

My head to my mouth when I realised it all. Of course it was her. It was goddamn obvious. I knew that I had seen them somewhere. Tears filled my eyes when I saw the headstone.

Gwen Hudson


'Step softly, a dream lies buried here'

William was slowly sobbing with his head down. I know watching your love die is a nightmare, but then coming to know that the person you let go thinking that they don't want you in there life is carrying around your picture doing some illegal shit is worse.

I can literally feel his pain inside me. I can't imagine how much he loved her. I don't know why she would leave him, but if I ever see her in heaven or hell I am sure gonna punch her in the face. 

I walked up and hugged William from behind and tried to sooth him. This girl clearly had a huge influence on him. It takes a lot to change your attitude a complete 360 degree. He was a nerd in college and if I remember correctly, he said that he loved to read books at the convection. I can't help the tear that slipped down my eye. 

It even pained to imagine about the pain William had to go through. The pain that changed him completely.  He gave her his entire self and she just left him like that. I always wondered why he slept with so many women, all I could conclude was that he is a pig. But now when the truth is staring at my face I can see how wrong I was. He was just hiding his broken heart. Under all that cockiness there was a sweetheart.

The only sound that could be heard in the dead of night is the faint sobbing of a broken heart.

William clung to my bosom and hugged me tight crying silently.

I let him.


Who wants to hug William after hearing all this?


I know I do.

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