He Can Speak French

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I woke up with blankets wrapped around my body. Something was missing.


I guess he was at the kitchen. He was always this caring and understanding boyfriend who took care of me all the time and usually made all the meals. And he was a greatttt cook. Nor once did he complain about his manliness getting reduced because of all the cooking and shit. That's what a real mature guy should act like.

Bulging muscles and abs is not the only thing girls look for in guys. At least not in guys with whom they plan to go for the long run. Not that Jack didn't have any 'abs' or 'muscles'.

I went into the bathroom to do my morning business and got ready for work. As soon as I was done I heard the doorknob of our bedroom twist. It was Jack. Seeing me awake he came up to me and engulfed me in a heart melting kiss.

"You are awake?" He said his forehead resting against mine.

"Yes babe. Otherwise we would not be having this moment" I grinned.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too"

"Okay since you are awake. Come along, breakfast is ready"

"Aye aye captain" I mock saluted him.


After having a delicious breakfast made by my boyfriend we both went to work. He went to his publisher and I went to the precinct.

I was really in a happy mood after having a good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast. But William had to go ahead and ruin it for me.

"Oooohhh. Someone got some last night" he said with such a big smile on his face that I feared that his face would almost split up into two.

"Well at least someone did. Unlike you" I said taking up my place.

"Lucky you"

Wait a second. What the fucking hell did just happen? Did William just go and give up his chance to insult me? He just gave up! On which planet am I? Something was wrong.

I quickly snapped my face towards William. That high Looney Toone smile was still plastered on his face.

"Who are you? And what have you done to William?" I said.

"Chill girl. I am the original William. No one can ever replicate this sexy hunk. No technology is ever born" he said.

"Shut that cocky mouth for at least once. What's the matter? Why are you so giddy?"

"Nothing. Can't a guy like me be just happy because he wants to me. Can he not be happy just for the sake of happiness? Is there always a need of a reason? Can't.."

"William Cruze" I cut him off his bullshit.

"Okay okay fine. I think the twin psycho case is solved."


"So he is the killer?" I said.


He was in no way a killer. At least he surely did not look like one. He went by the name of Sourdin Archer according to William and he is a mechanic. It was early in the morning when he came running inside the precinct and confessed his conduct. He claims to be the 'S' killer. But I am having my doubts of pinning him as a killer. He was a lanky middle aged guy, who looked too thin and fragile to kill six humans. But still you should not judge a book by its cover.

Shadows #Wattys2017Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora