And In The First Time In History

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"So you guys gonna check it out?" Sally said.

"Yes. We will" I said still looking at William. He was acting weird. He was all pale and barely breathing. Sally failed to notice it and she went on her way. 

"Cruze? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Y..Yeah..I'm okay. Let's go" he said walking away.

I eyed him up and down. He looked like he was gonna be sick. But why was he lying? He can lie to the entire precinct but he can't lie to me. I have known that bastard for too long for that.

He was definitely not okay.

But I decided to keep my mouth shut.

For now.


The ride was quite quiet.

I was driving and William was sitting in the passenger seat. He kept looking out of the window, deep in thought. He never uttered a single word. Not a single one. It was completely out of his character to stay this quiet for so long. The William I knew would have already hit on me for at least 5 times.

As soon as we entered the crime scene, we saw a body lying on the ground. 

Gwen Hudson. 

I would like to say she is beautiful. But that would be an understatement. She was freaking gorgeous. Even when dead she managed to look like this. I was glad that this was not a 'S' murder. I was sick of seeing those 'S' cuts on all the victims. This one was just a plain cut in the neck. Maybe local she was not wearing any jewellery. Not even a ring. The house was a mess..could have been a burglary.

William was crouching down next to her, his back facing me. Possibly examining something. But  suddenly I heard William take a harsh breath and within a moment he was gone.  I ran after him, but he was nowhere to be seen.

That is A-class weird. 

What is wrong with him?

Wait a minute.Does he know the victim? It is not entirely impossible.

In that case I have got to be with him. He can do something stupid. But where the hell did he go? How will I find him out?

I arranged something with the local police and asked them to bag the evidence they lay their hands on and send them to the precinct for some notes. What people doesn't do for money now a days?

William needed me now. Why the hell am I doing ? Why am I trying to help that moron? Because no matter what he helped me when I needed him, I am just paying him back.

Okay..Okay..I do care about him a tad bit, no matter how big an asshole he is.

As I drove around blindly I wrecked my brain to think where he could be. He was on foot, he couldn't have got far.

I noticed a night club nearby, party music blasting. 

Booze. Half naked girls. Loud music.

Sounds like a William recipe to me.

I parked my car nearby and walked in. People were dancing, the music filled the room including the smell of alcohol.

Typical Night Clubs.

I tried to search for William in the dim light. It strained my eyes and I was about to give up and leave when I saw a man sitting at the bar with heads down. 

It can be him.

I slowly made my way towards the bar. 

Closer and closer.

It was him.

I can tell by the clothes. I slowly tapped his shoulder. He did not move. Doing it again, I got a response of 'Go away'

Trying a third time he got up so fast that he headbutted me.


"What the hell do you...?" he stopped when he saw me standing there. 

"William?" I said carefully.

He was clearly drunk and his face was all red. His hair was a mess and his eyes were sunken.

"Lorel?" he said "What are you doing here?"

"Well after you ran away with the speed of Edward Cullen, I had to find you right?" I tried to lighten the mood.

"You shouldn't have" he said averting his eyes from me.

I slid in the seat next to him.

"Of course I should have. You are my jackass partner. We have to stick together" I motioned to the bartender.

"Two beer please. Neat" I ordered for me and him.

 The bartender came soon with our drinks and I passed one to William. He took it without a word and we both drowned it halfway in a single go. The alcohol burned my throat. But I ignored it.

"So wanna tell me what happened back there partner?" I said.

He kept quite.

I gave him some time and surely after a moment, knowing that I'll not leave him alone he signed. He handed me a crumbled piece of paper.

Dear William,

You shouldn't have done what today you did,

So as per the rules,

Here is your tat for tit.


As soon as I read it, my blood ran cold.

"I met her when I was in college" William suddenly started "we were the best of friends. We shared three of our best years together. That's the last I saw of her. After college we never met. Never talked. All those promises went out of the window in just a fraction of a second. That was the last day I saw her and now today I see her again. I found the note beside her. She is the one who got away. What can I say?...I.."

"You loved her" I finished.

Unbelievable. Who knew that under that cocky sexy bastard attitude, there was a lovestruck boy whose heart was broken. I saw his eyes flash when I said those words. He was hurting. I can't even imagine what pain he must be going through looking at her in such a state.

"It is all my fault" he started "She died because of me. ALL MY FAULT"

"William....listen to me. Its not your fault. It is the fault of the merciless killer."

"Its my fault" he kept muttering.

It broke my heart to see him like that. He was clearly head over heels for this girl.

That killer has got to pay.

I hugged William tight.

And for the first time in history, I saw William Cruze break down......for a girl, as he cried on my shoulder.



Another twist..

This is getting complicated.

Keep it tuned.

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