The Game Is On Baby.

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"Hey babe. Where were you?" I heard Jack's voice as soon as I entered the apartment. He was holding a milk carton in his hand, probably just waking up.

"Went for groceries" I said keeping the bags on the counter "and by the way. The carton in your hand is empty"

"Oh" he said coming over and kissing me. "Thanks for bringing the groceries babe"

"Ah! No problem. I wasn't asleep anyway" I said.

"Another case call?"

"Yep. Apparently Mister Weirdo has gone from crazy to batshit nuts. Its the sixth murder. I think he is an asylum runaway. That's the only explanation"

Jack pulled out a carton of milk from the ones I brought and started pouring it over in a huge glass.

Told you about the obsession.

"Maybe he does all this for a reason" he said taking a sip.

"What godforsaken reason can be there for going around the town and splitting up people?"



"Uh..he just kills twins right? You told so yourself. Maybe there is a reason behind that" he pointed out.

When I didn't reply he continued "You never know. Nobody does anything without a reason"

"Wait, what? Are you taking the killer's side?" I said "why the hell are you defending him?"

"I am not defending him Lorel" he sighed "I am just presenting a double sided debate"

As you have already noticed. In our relationship he was the calm and collected one while I'm the fiery short tempered one.

"Well a debate is for a sane person, not an insane one"

"Guess so" he finally submitted to my stubbornness "You going to work today?"

"Yes I do" I said, munching on some sweet biscuits I bought.

"Okay. When will you leave?" He asked.

"Why? Want to get rid of me?" I teased him.

"Never in a million years babe" he said and kissed me. It went deep. I had to pause and push his shoulders.

"Okay I am not complaining but I don't think its the right time though I would love to finish this later"

"Yeah right" he kissed me deeply again, but only for a few seconds. "Now go get ready for work. I think I have to meet my publisher today too. But I promise this is not over" he winked and let me go.

"Ooohhh! The game is on baby"


"Hey Fisher. You are late" I heard William say as soon as my feet touched the floor of the precinct.

"Shut up, Cruze. At least I was not abusing little animals" I said.

"But you were abusing your pretty boyfriend. That's really kinda same" he said with a smirk.

I gave him a smirk which matched his own and said "well at least you agreed that Jack is pretty"

"Not more than me, Fisher"

"Dream on, Cruze"

"I would really like to see you guys bickering and insulting the pants off each other but I have some bad news" Sally a coworker interrupted us.

"Someone is gonna get their pants off soon" William said.

"Why will you do that? So that you can show your teeny weeny to the killer and give him a stroke?" I turned it on him.

"Oh-kay!!! Guys. You can continue with the dirty talk once I'm out. I just wanted to tell you that the note from the last crime scene was not a cryptic message. It was simple and clear. The killer wrote what he wanted to convey. He did not hide anything" Sally said.

"Okay. Thank you Sally" I said finally acknowledging her.

"Fine. You are welcome. Now I'm going. You guys continue with whatever weird things you guys do" she gave us a weird look and left.

I sighed.

Stupid William.

"So its no cryptic message then. Do what does it mean?" His voice echoed.

"I don't know" I said thinking about the note.

'The pain so deep,
Inside your veins it creep'

What the hell on earth is meant by that?


After a lot of cursing,scribbling, insulting, brainstorming and drowning huge cups of coffee. The day was finally over. But we had very little success, almost nil. The deceased had no family members so it saved us the trouble of going there and telling them the news.

Getting out of my Datsun I walked into my apartment. Jack was already there. I can sat because I smelt something nice. He was cooking. Shirtless. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his neck.

"Dinner will be ready soon" he said.

"Thank you babe" I replied.

After having a delicious dinner we went to bed. And oh my my! It was one hell of a ride. He kept his promise well.

I was almost dozing off to sleep when I heard him sigh.

A sad sigh.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing go to sleep"

"Tell me"

"I once had a twin"

And I could no longer keep my eyes open.


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