I Can Choose The Lesser Of The Two Devils

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The Author



"What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper yelled.

"What else do you think?" he grinned "stalking you."

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

A few heads turned towards us. 

"Shhhh...." he shushed me "I am just here for the convection. As much as it seems  impossible..I am into books. And he is my favourite author" I saw a tiny bit of blush on his cheeks.

What the hell! He likes to read books. William I-AM-A-PLAYBOY Cruze is a nerd! 

Looking at me gaping like a monkey with food stuffed in my face William smirked.

"Close that pretty mouth of yours Fisher. It gives me many ideas and you wouldn't like it if I start to perform my ideas right here" 

God! Trust William to say something like this in such a situation. 

"And why are you here might I ask?" he said.

"You might not" I picked up my half eaten cupcake and started walking away from him. 

"Come on Fisher" he caught up with me soon "Would you rather choose to be alone or stand with a known devil?" 

"What are you talking about?"

"Would you rather have me or some strange creepy guys hit on you?" he said.

"I have no idea what you talking about Cruze" 

Had he hit his head or something?

"If you haven't noticed yet boo-bear but all the guys present here are literally eye undressing you" he swung an arm over my shoulder pulling me closer to him.

I was about to open my mouth and insult him when I really noticed a group of guys staring at me like a fat kid stares at ice cream. Creepy....

Well I guess I can choose the lesser of the two devils. 

"Ughhhhh!" I groaned "this day just got better."

"Well thank you my lady" William said. 

"I hope that Jack gets back soon" I murmured to myself.

"Who?" William asked.

"Jack. My boyfriend" I said.

"That thing is here?!"

"Excuse me! That 'thing' is my boyfriend. You have no right to say something like this" 

"Yeah yeah whatever"

How dare he?!

How can he address Jack as a thing.


I walked away from him not caring even if some creepy guy jumps me from the corner. I think I'll be able to defend myself pretty fine. Thank you.

William didn't even try to stop me. 

What has gotten into him?


Soon the famous author made his appearance on the stage and the crowd applauded. I was standing to the far corner. William was nowhere to be seen and Jack was standing with some important looking men, who I am guesseing are important people of the publishing world. 

He threw me a look and mentioned that he will soon be over. I smiled and he smiled back too. The famous author, I am gonna keep calling him famous author because I was too distracted to catch his name....so he was babbling away on the stage and all the people around me seemed to devour every word he said.

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