William And Drama

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I watched William sleep peacefully, so unlike last night. I didn't know where he lived so I just dragged him to the nearby hotel. I texted Jack that I would not be coming home. I was worried ofcourse, but I can't just leave William. And there was no way that I could take William home. That would be A-class awkward. Jack was kind of the jealous type.

As I sipped on the coffee I went out to get, I watched him like a creep. I know I should not do that but I can't help myself. After last night's revelation, after I saw a vulnerable side of the oh-so-perfect William Cruze, after I saw him cry like a baby for a girl, after I saw him breaking, I started feeling that William was not a heartless monster. He had a heart which was broken. The playboyness was just a deafence mechanism. He was just protecting his heart. Behind all that male bravado, there was a teenage boy head over heels for a girl who got away. I was so wrong when I judged him. Guess everyone has a story.

As I was lost in thoughts, I saw William groan and get up. As expected he was having a massive hangover. 

"The pills are on the table" I said, giving him his cup of coffee.

"UHHH..." he gave me his so thankful reply.

"You are welcome" I said.

"Where am I?" he finally said after popping two pills.

Taking in the surroundings he said again "What the hell did you do with me last night Fisher? Did you take advantage of my vulnerability?" 

I rolled my eyes at that. William and drama.

"Shut up Cruze. I would rather go jump in the Bermuda triangle"

He just grinned like a fool. I started picking up my badge and my coat, I have to get home soon. I have already paid the day's rent so William can laze as long as he want. When I was about to step out I heard William call me.

"What?" I asked.

"Thank you babe" he said.

I just nodded and went away. Slowly heat creeped up to my cheeks. Did he really call me 'babe' or was I imagining it?

What is happening to me?!


"Lorel is that you?" I heard Jack's voice.

"Yes" I called back.

He came towards me with his messy bed hair and engulfed me in a bear hug. He lightly kissed me and whispered "I missed you"

"I missed you too" I mumbled in his chest.

"So what happened yesterday?" he asked.

"Oh just another murder.Its the same killer. And its for William" I sadly stopped. It was not my story to tell. "Its just that the victim was close to William"

"Its so sad" he said "I hope William's doing alright"

"Yeah..me too"

"Anyway I got good news babe" Jack said.

"What is that?" I said.

"Guess" he teased.

"Come on Jack! Tell me already" 

"Its about the convection" he said.

"Huh? What about it..." then it clicked. "THEY SELECTED YOU!!!!"


"Aaaaaa!!" I gave a  victory yell and jumped on him, my legs going around his waist. He swung me around easily.

"That's great news Jack" I kissed him.

"I think this calls for a celebration" he said.

"Of course" I said "Shall I go get dressed?" 

"In a moment" Jack wickedly grinned. Oh I knew that smile. "You have to make up for last night missy"

There we go.


"Okay. We are here. What do you wanna do first?" Jack asked.

We were currently standing in a mall. We decided to treat ourselves with a day off. It was his idea  of course.

"I want to eat!" I exclaimed "My stomach is literally eating itself"

"Haha okay" he said "If my princess wants food, then food..here we come."

I laughed at that.

He pulled my hand and we ran through the crowd just like kids. I couldn't stop laughing. Panting and out of our breath, we reached a cafe. 

"Lets go in there?" he asked.

"As long its food. I don't care" I grinned.

We entered the cafe got in line to order. I wanted some pancakes and a big cup of latte. Jack ordered our food and we went to take out seat. After chit chatting for some time, our names were called. And then the food arrived. Wow! It was amazing. As soon as I put the pancake into my mouth I moaned. 

"Wow. This is really good" I said with a full mouth.

"Indeed" Jack said.

We soon finished and then Jack excused himself to go the washroom. I was having a good time by myself, looking and observing different people and just foe once in the whole week forgetting about the crazed killer when I heard a blood curling scream from the far corner of the cafe. It was coming from the restrooms.

It was a male voice. 


I along with a few employees dashed into the restroom. And sure enough Jack was there crouching on the floor. 

He was bleeding. My heart literally stopped for a moment. 

"Jack!" I yelled and pushed the waiter who ran in with me.

He was breathing heavily and holding his wrist. There was a deep cut on his wrist.

"Call the ambulance" I yelled. 

The waiter scrambled away.

"What happened baby? What happened?" I said hugging him.

"H..He was here. H..He tried to kill me." 


"The killer"

And sure enough right on his wrist was the infamous 'S' cut.


So? Is Jack gonna die too?

Find out in the next chapter.

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