He Might Even Be A Goddamn Vampire

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You know that moment when you are so shocked that even if zombies tear you apart, you will still not make a movement. No? Well anyway that is how I am feeling. William is driving the car. His face is taut and I can see that he is angry as well as tense.

Guess where we are going?

If you said 'Simon's House'..then bingo! You get a four day trip to Bahamas. Not.

"I don't think he is the killer" I meekly said.

I was greeted by silence. I didn't want to speak again because I knew Simon was William's best friend so I am sure he is hoping that Simon is not the killer more than I am.

"How can you be sure?" he asks suddenly making me jump. I did not expect him to reply.

"Well..umm" I started "For starters he does not give such vibes and you are his best friend haven't you noticed? He is a goof. That guy had a bra hanging from one of his ears for god's sake" 

William smiled a little. I did not expect that.

"He did scream like a girl when once he saw a spider" he smiled at the memory.

"Now that sounds like Simon" I said "And do you think the killer who was so cunning that he once framed me is going to leave a lose end like that? I think I should ask Sally to dig further"

"Good point. But sometimes the truth is just present in plain sight and we know everyone makes mistake" William said.

"That's why we are going to check, aren't we?" I said texting Sally.

"Yes and we are almost here" 

"And I am almost done"

I finished sending the text to Sally as William parked the car.

As I got out of the car I saw Simon standing there on his balcony.

In his boxers.

I groaned.

What is it with sexy boys and boxers?

We walked upto the porch and Simon noticed us to. He went inside to open the door.

Or to find weapons to kill you both.

Shut up brain.

The door soon opened to reveal a fully clothed Simon.

Thank God!

"Hey guys. Come on in" he said in his cheerful voice "Did you want me to do something William? You could have texted me you know"

"Is it a problem we are here now?" William snapped.

"Whoa dude! I don't know where you got that from. Make your asses at home" he said shutting the door.

"We are gonna cut to the chase Simon. Tell me do you have a blog by the name of I hate violence?" William ask.

"Blog? Me? Don't you know me dude?" Simon asked "I am allergic to writing"

"Then how do you explain this?" William asked handing him the cell.

"What is this?" 

"It states that the blogger 'ihateviolence' is updating his blog everyday from your house, and we have reason to believe this is the killer's blog" William said.

"My computer?" Simon looked shocked.

"Yes your computer. So do you care to confess or I have to beat it out of you?"

"How can you even think its me?" Simon looked hurt.

"Believe me Sim, I don't want to believe it either. But all the facts are pointing to it" William softened a bit.

"I didn't do it. Who are you gonna believe? Some online facts which you know can always be messed with? Or your best friend" Simon said looking straight at William's eyes.

William gulped. I can see him conflicting inside his head.

"I believe you Sim" he sighed.

"Thank you" 

And then they both did a bro hug thing. 

My phone vibrated inside my jeans. I pulled it out and my eyes almost popped out.

"Fisher what is it?" William asked. 

"Oh My God William" I said "Sally just texted me and she said that she found a bug. Someone hacked into Simon's computer and was posting the updates on the blog from the address of Simon's computer"

"I told you" Simon said.

"Yeah. I believed you, didn't I? We need to crash the computer. Hey Fisher where are you running off to?" William finally saw me running towards the door.

"Move your asses boys" I said "because right now a little boy was found who is supposedly Joey Archer..son of Sourdin Archer. Do you know what that means? Its our direct link to the killer"


"And Sally is on it?" Higgins asked after I filled him in with all the recent occurings of the case. Except the William breaking down part of course.

"Yes. She said it can take some time. The firewall is excellent" I replied.

"So that means the killer is well educated" 

"Yeah we can conclude that" 

"Do you think the kid can help us?"

"I think so. Didn't you say he escaped from the clutches of the killer?" I asked.

"Yes. I wonder how. He looks like a smart kid though" Higgins said.

"Good then. We will ask him to help us with the portrait of the killer whenever his injuries are attended to" William said popping out of nowhere. 


He might even be a goddamn vampire.

"Okay then I will leave you two upto it" Higgins said "Keep me informed" 

"Always do" William said.

Soon after Higgins left and we sat down on the benches.

"Hey by the way I got something for you" I said.

"What?" William smiled.

"Its a book. Actually Jack's book. He told me to gave it to you" I said.

"Really? He got it published this soon?"

"No its coming out next month. This is just the author's version" 

"Oh..I will sure give it a read" he smiled.

"Its on your desk at work. I wanted to give you personally but I left it there when I went to check on Sally" 

"Its alright Lor" he smiled.

Not a smirk. A genuine smile.

And I don't know why but I am sure I saw a flash of sadness in his eyes. 

Just when we were having a peaceful moment then a panting Simon ran to us. 

"Whoa! Dude..slow down" William said.

"Did you guys hear?" he said in between breaths.

"Hear what?" I asked.

"Brandon Wells have gone missing" 


Another twist?

Youu know you want it.


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