Ch.1: Meeting the Other Family

Start from the beginning

[Anything underlined after this point is (English/Native tongue) dialogue while the rest is Japanese.]

The (H/C) looked at the room, satisfied. It looked almost exactly like her own back in (C/N), except the constant remainder of bamboo wood and the smell of sweet flowers that came from the window she had opened earlier that afternoon, due to how stuffy it was and how the obviously out of place ceiling fan didn't do much work.
"A good job if I do say so myself." She hummed aloud in satisfaction.
"That's a bit weird, talking to yourself like that." A sudden voice caused the female to jolt, before locking her unforgiving glare onto an unamused boy who didn't look much older than her.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" She questioned him coldly, quietly cursing herself as she realized she wasn't speaking Japanese, though the boy seemed to understand just fine as he replied.
"This is my home, I should be asking you that." The boy said, looking completely bored as he took a bite of an apple he had previously thrown into the air and caught.
Y/N puffed out her chest a bit, a move her grandmother taught her for when she had to stand up for herself, continuing to glare at the boy. "My name is L/N Y/N." She told him.
"Inoue Kyo." Replied the brunette. "You must be my sister." He stated, looking her up and down as if she were an insect.
Y/N only caught the familiar term to sister, so she felt as if she could only nod. She didn't know much Japanese after all.
"Mom said that I had to come and get you, dinner is done." Kyo told her, chucking the apple core behind him.
"I see." Y/N sighed in relief, before she shuffled on the slippers that had been lied out near the entrance of her bedroom, and then following close behind the slightly older male.
"Ah, there you are! I was sure that you would be in a quarrel or something with our guest." A stern voice spoke up as soon as the duo got to a small dining room.
"Gomen, grandpa." Kyo apologized as he sat down, leaving Y/N to awkwardly stand in the doorway.
The room was larger than her bedroom, with ten pillow-like sitting places on the ground in front of a tray which held a bowl of steaming noodles and a steaming cup of what she could only guess was green tea. There were six people already sitting; Kyo, an elderly couple that Y/N guessed was Kyo's grandparents, her own father, and two children.
"Aah~ it's Onee-chan!" Exclaimed the little girl who had dark, almost black, colored hair and the same (E/C) orbs that every L/N seemed to have.
Both children seemed to topple over one another as they came up to Y/N, grinning widely like children would do on Christmas morning as they gripped at her hands.
"Onee-San, you're a lot prettier than I expected!" The boy, who looked exactly like his sister, exclaimed.
"That's rude, Sato!" The girl scolded, puffing her cheeks out as she tugged at Y/N's left hand.
"I said she was pretty, though, Sumi!" The boy retorted as he tugged on Y/N's right hand.
"Oi, you pests, leave her alone and sit down before our food gets cold." Kyo snapped at the twins.
"You're just jealous, Kyo-nii." The duo said in sync, sticking their tongue out at him childishly.
"Satoshi, Sumiko, listen to your older brother and let our guest take a seat." The elderly lady sternly stated.
"Hai, grandma." The twins bowed, before quickly sitting down with a slight pout as Kyo stuck out his tongue at them like they had done to him just minutes before.
"Y/N-chan, you can sit here." The lady stated, motioning to the spot between herself and Kyo.
"H-hai." Y/N used her context clues as she awkwardly sat in the spot between the two.
"Y/N, this is Yuki's mother, Suzume-sama, and father, Katashi-sama." Joseph explained to her.
"Nice to meet you both." Y/N told the two, who nodded their heads to show that they had heard her.
"Sorry I'm late, I had to take the cookies out of the oven for the daycare's field trip tomorrow." A kind voice broke into the room, and Y/N's gaze wandered to the black haired woman who entered the room. It was instantly obvious where the twins got their looks as the brown eyed woman took her spot between Joseph and Katashi. "So you're Y/N, it's so nice to finally meet you!" Yuki smiled warmly at Y/N.
A knot formed itself inside her chest, tugging at Y/N and making her want to puke. A certain tension formed in the room as the others watched in stiff interest at the waited upon meeting of stepmother and stepdaughter.
"You too, Yuki-san." Y/N finally managed to choke out.
Yuki's smile seemed to had relaxed. "Just Yuki is fine, Y/N-chan." She assured, causing Y/N to numbly nod her head.
After a quick thanks, the family of eight began to dig into the food.
"Y/N, do you have any questions for Yuki about the Shinsengumi?" Joseph asked his daughter, which almost instantly resulted in the two females eyes beginning to glitter while the other family members groaned at said topic.
"A-ah, hai!" Y/N stuttered a bit as she nodded.
"You can speak in (Native Language), Joseph taught us enough of it to understand." Yuki told her.
"Who were the Shinsengumi? When was it founded? Who was it founded by? Were they like samurai? Like did they use katanas? Were they considered good police or bad police?" Y/N's sudden spew of questions caused everyone to look on in surprise and confusion.
Yuki seemed to be the only one to keep up as she giggled. "The Shinsengumi were a well known police force in Kyoto during the eighteen-hundreds's, presumed to be founded around eighteen-fifty. They were considered both good and bad, depending on who you ask. They did have katanas, but around 1869, during the war, they resorted to guns and cannons." Yuki explained. "I can tell you more tomorrow, if you want to join me during the tour with the daycare children." She offered.
"I'll...think about it." Y/N said with a small nod of her head.

[Pic is of Kyo.]

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