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Your POV

"All this years....I—I've kept my feelings hidden until I find the right moment to tell you how much I like you, I cannot contain the happiness inside of me every single time I see you. My day will always be complete as long as I see your beautiful existence. Day by day my feelings for you grew bigger and stronger and I'm afraid it can not be stop I will keep on falling in love with you, so please, will you go out with me?" Hoseok stood in front of me showing his shiny smile with trembling hands as he hold a gorgeous bouquet, I stood there in awe, my heart beating fast. I smiled widely.

"I...I don't know what to say Hoseok that—that was AWESOME!! It was pure perfection Hoseok! She will definitely say yes, I guarantee it" I complimented and patted him in the shoulder, he smiled sheepishly and sighed.

"You think so? I feel like it's still lacking of affection Y/N or was it too cheesy? what should I do? I shouldn't mess this up Y/N! Are the flowers okay? Should I buy chocolates too? What if she rejects me right away? What if she said no?! What if–what if?! Aarrgghh!! I should just write her a letter, that way I will be able to tell what I really feel and I won't look like a complete idiot in front of her" Hoseok keeps on pacing around babbling all his 'what ifs' and whatnot. I sighed and walked up to him. This guy worry too much.

"Hoseok" I called out, he stopped pacing back and went to me.

"Y-Yeah?" He stuttered looking completely tense, I cupped both of his cheeks, making him look like a fish and looked at him straight in his eyes.

"Calm. Down." I calmly said, he nodded a bit and I slapped both of his cheeks, he groaned in pain and gave me a 'what did you do that for?' look.

"Get a hold of yourself okay? Stop thinking of what will happen, stop saying 'what ifs' stop thinking if she will say yes or no. No matter what happens it happened for a reason. Just...think about her and how she makes you feel, how she makes you happy throughout the day, how she will make you talk about her non-stop which is very annoying by the way. Just focus more on that Hoseok" I said, he nodded and smiled so happily, so happy he hugged me out of nowhere.

"Thank you so much Y/N, I feel more calm now...I'm happy that you're my best friend Y/N! I don't know what I'll do if you're not my best friend" He stated, I chuckled and pat his back.

"I'm happy too Hoseok"

No you're not, Why are you lying?
You're not happy. Stop lying.

He finally releases me and smiled at me, I smiled back and took my bag.

"C'mon lover boy let's get you home, you better get ready for tomorrow" I teased, he only blushed and stood confidently

"Oh! I was born to be ready Y/N!" I chuckled, he looked at me confuse

"Yeah right, when a minute ago you were pacing around looking the complete opposite of 'ready'" I shook my head and he only pouted at me. Stop pouting you idiot you know how cute you are when you do that.

"Meanie" He muttered but I still heard it as clear as the water.

"That's what best friends do right?" I teased, but he only pulled out his tongue on me. I laughed but it was cut off when Hoseok's phone rang, he took it out of his pocket and answered.

"Hello...oh noona what's up?...huh?...what?! mianhae unnie!! I'll come home right now!!" I raised a brow and he looked at me looking panic.

"What's that all about?" I ask, he only bowed down and apologizes as he ran like the wind leaving me confuse, very confuse. What the heck? He must have done something that made unnie very mad.

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