20. Just a Glimpse

Start from the beginning

"So, he asked about the wound on the neck?" he asked again while widening his eyes.

I nodded, returning back to my paper work, formulating a rough plan for my investigation. My back is feeling relaxed now on the comfortable chair and tummy satisfied, I should try to work before Mr. Gorgeous Saviour's thought come to invade my sanity again.

"What did you said to him?" he asked again with tensed voice, which this time gained my attention and reclaiming my focus back on him.

"The truth, Jerry." I replied nonchalantly but my eyes fixed on his tensed face which switched to a serious version after I altered the words.

No way! This man isn't going back there... why he has to go there and bury himself under all accidents and calamities. God! Not again. This man.....

I inwardly huffed in annoyance, why can't this man understand that not all the problems are his responsibility and he isn't responsible for every wrong incident happens around him.

Why can't he just let it go....


"Jerry, let it go... Let ittt goooo...." I tried to sing in light pitch but being an inartistic person, I'm a dumb in this field too. Which soon proved again with Jerry's baffled scrunched face. My ears heated with embarrassment on my futile attempt. Lowering my gaze, I tried hard to control my embarrassment giggle which tried to escape.

"I said the truth, it was a bug bite and I said the same, that's it." I concluded sheepishly, praying silently he pays attention to my words and not my previous attempt of stupidity.

"What was that?" he asked, much to my dismay. His face is defining a perfect example Shaggy from Scooby doo.

Gulping down the bile of insane humor, I tried to switch to a sensible demeanor.

"Jerry, it was my dumb attempt to make to remember that you shouldn't think much about past. It was an accident which happened to me on that night which was the result if my delinquency and that bug bite; come on! It was just a bug. It could happen to anyone. I agree the outcome seem drastic but Jerry, no one could control this. Don't take too much stress on yourself cause it won't change anything but will only increase this unwanted guilt on your conscience for a totally rubbish reasons." I rushed through the words, my attempt was just to make him realize, things aren't in our hand always, and sometime we should let them go with the burden of guilt from our past.

His expressions remain in tacked with an increment of slight furrow line between his brows.

"You're a nice person Jerry, one of most pure hearted person, I ever met in my life and I respect and adore you for your kind nature and this precious friendship but my dear stop blaming yourself for every wrong happening to me. Please, cause it'll only hurt you. Please don't burden me with your unnecessary overwhelming guilt. Your and Tiara's unconditional care and love are more than enough for me. Please." I said my heart out with utmost sincerity which I'm sure is clear in my voice and face.

He sat there starting back at me with a smile spread on his face but apart from that, his face revealed impassiveness.

I frowned in confusion before patting his hand with mine which soon made him to shake his hands away from me like I have some contagious cold.

"Thank you Niera." He said patting my palm softly, revealing a deep emotion in his genuine big brown glassy eyes. I took a sigh of relief while grinning, hoping my words could make an effect on him.

"Oh god! Not again, remember what I said a few days ago about friendship?" I asked with fake shock to while he scowl.

"There is no sorry and no thank you in friendship." I stated in a deep manly voice dramatically which instantly uplifted his mood making him chuckle at my etiquette.

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