Chapter 22: Silver

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Robert's POV
"This is bad. We need to do something. What if they kill each other? We should have never brought him here." Maya started to panic while witnessing something perhaps she never saw before.

But who am I kidding? I never saw something like this in my own life too. I might have seen almost two hundred springs but never knew a werewolf could be this big. But of course, I never a saw a Belville alpha in their true form or a legendary black wolf.

What is surprising me is that, I always knew about werewolves being vicious and hotheaded shifters but I never thought someone could fight with their mate this way.

But weirdly none of them are trying to hurt the other severely, specially Daegan.

I heard about Belville alphas being very high skilled warriors and more so when they are in their wolf form. Luis could be physically more powerful than his mate but I have no doubt that the Werewolf king can still take him down if he truly wants to.

Although he said he wanted to kill Luis but weirdly he is not attacking the black wolf and only trying to avoid his attacks. But that is also something he even is not doing properly and that explains why he is covered in his own blood where the black wolf is practically scratch free.

It's like he is letting Luis hurt him intentionally.

Why would he do that?

I know it's a weird logic but I think he is taking those injuries as a punishment for what he had done to his own mate.

Perhaps he thinks he deserves those.

It is well known fact that we shifters are more honest about our feelings in our true animal form than our human form.

I think it's his weird animal way to apologise for what kind of pain he had caused his mate. Although he still refuses to acknowledge him as his mate but in deep down he knew what is lie and what is truth.

"We need to stop him." a soft voice speaks up. I look down and my eyes meet a pair of determinant green eyes.

"What are you suggesting?" I ask the green haired, green eyed merman who always looks like a lean and short fifteen years old, but anyone would be a fool to ever underestimate him because of his looks.

"We should talk with the previous Alpha king. We need their help to stop this fight. I don't think Luis would be happy if he severely wounded his mate in his haze of rage." Courtney tells me while wincing slightly when he saw the black wolf again took a successful strike on the golden wolf.

"Court is right. We should talk with them before something terrible happens. I heard that these kind of fight continue until one of the werewolves dies.", Ariah supports him.

"Then what the hell for we are waiting here and doing nothing?" and it was Alecia's turn to snap.

I nod at her in agreement. It's decided. We are going to stop this madness.

Julio Belville's POV
"I am Drake Nasser Black, the Alpha of Forest green pack.", the blonde introduced himself in a humble voice.

"As much as I know Aether Black is the alpha of that pack.", I inform him.

I may not be the king anymore but there is no way I don't know about who is the alpha of Forest green as it is one of largest werewolf pack with almost 400 werewolves under it. Any pack with above 200 werewolves is considered as quite large in our werewolf standard since our population is not as much as humans. There exists almost 20,000 werewolves in our world with 204 different packs but almost 7,000 of them lives in Izela under our protection since Izela is safest place to be for any of us.

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