Chapter 14: The Demon Council

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Luis's P.O.V.
It feels so good. Everything is so soft here. I never slept in a bed more softer. I felt sunlight on my face and so I turn over to the other side.

"Do you think he is going to wake up soon."

"He is sleeping continuously for two days now."

"I am really worried about him. We should take him to some werewolves' doctor here."

"No we can't. It will be problem if anybody find out he is still alive. And Don't worry. Master said that he is alright. His body is completely healed now. All he needs is the time to rest."

I can hear some people are talking in this room. Who are these people? I never heard their voices before.

Suddenly I smell their scents and my eyes shoots open. None of their scents are of a werewolf.

Before I knew what I am doing, I seat on the bed and start growling at these unknown creatures. There are two females and three males in this room and every one of them has totally different kind of scent.

"Come down pup. We are not going to hurt you.", said the guy with white hair and silver eyes. He actually smells like a snake.

"What are you people? You are not werewolves.", I ask them in a rough and dangerous voice which I could not even recognised as my own.

"No, we are not. I am Robert Smith and I am a Dragon Shifter.", the white hair, silver eyed and snake like smelling person informs me.

I look at him in surprise and stop growling.

Holy sh*t, A Dragon Shifter? I never thought I would ever see a Dragon Shifter in my whole life. They are extremely rare.

"This beautiful lady is Alecia Abernathy. She is a Succubus.", he introduces a very beautiful and erotic looking girl with brown hair and red eyes.

"This is Lord Courtney. He is a Merman.", indicating at the short, lean and beautiful looking teenage boy with green hair and green eyes.

"This young man is Ariah Jackson. He is a Vampire.", indicating a very handsome, tall, blue eyed, blonde hair man.

"And this is Lady Maya. She is a Witch.", indicating at a tan skinned, black hair and black eyed pretty girl.

"How are you feeling now?", Maya asked me with a voice full of concern.

This surprised me. Why would this person who is not even of my kind worried about me, a person who is hated by every single one of his own kind. So I just looked at her dumbly.

How the hell I got here anyway? Last thing I remember is, falling asleep with my guardian angel who is also my little brother now. If these people caught me then where is Ethan.

"Where is my little brother?", I ask Maya in the same dangerous tone, without even bothering to answer her earlier question.

That's seems to surprise her. Now she is looking at me like she is thinking that perhaps I got some bad head injuries.

"My master brought you here. You were alone when he brought you. Who is your brother? How does he look? Are you sure, he was with you that day.", she asked me with a more worried tone now.

The Rejected Alpha (BoyXBoy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin