Chapter 16: Belville Palace

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Luis's P.O.V.
"Why you people want to take me there?" I ask them while feeling my heart beat increasing in every passing second.

I can't believe that the people whom I thought are trying to save me, are actually going to take me to one person who would kill me on sight.

"Because it's your own mate's coronation as the Werewolf King. How could you even think about missing it?" says the Succubus Queen without missing a beat.

"The same mate who ordered his men to beat me till death and then throw my body like some garbage," I inform her heatedly.

Although I still don't want to cause Daegan any harm but that doesn't means I forgive him for what he did. I remember the unbearable pain he caused me. Not only upon my body but also on my heart. A dark part of my heart wants my mate to beg for my forgiveness, wants him to suffer for what he did.

I know exactly why that bastard did those things to me. He just doesn't want to believe he has a male mate. I know he felt the mating pull as much as I felt. But he still denied it no matter what. He just can't except the truth. He fears that nobody is going to respect him as their King if he turn out to be a 'fag' and by luck Drake was present there to help him.

"You need to change into this clothes," Maya voice brings me back to the present.

I look at her and find her holding a pair of grey jeans, a white T-shirt and a black hoodie. Now that she told me to wear those clothes, I look down to see I am only wearing a pair of grey boxers of who knows whose.

"What happened to the clothes I was wearing when I got here?" I ask her.

But when I saw the puzzlement clearly written on her face, then suddenly it hit me and I blush a deep red.

That night I shift into my inner wolf form, so I must be naked when they found me in the Black Forest. And now I have to go and make them all remember those embarrassing moments. I tried hard but can't cool my overheated face.

"No need to be so shy, pup. It was nothing to be ashamed about. Nudity is a part of shifters life." suddenly out of nowhere Robert tells me, like he can read my mind and it makes me blush even harder.

"Now, now... We don't have the time to waste. Luis, you should take a shower before wearing these," Maya urges me to move and this somehow manages to make me think about more pressing issues than few people seeing me without clothes.

"I know Daegan can't never harm or disrespect you guys and perhaps won't kill me because of your presence. But don't you think it only going to cause unnecessary trouble if he sees me," I know he will be absolutely furious if he sees me well and alive.

"Well, I don't think he could identify you there," again the Succubus Queen informs me confidently.

Now I have no doubt that she has some serious problem in her head. Every Werewolf can smell my scent from distance and Daegan is basically one of the strongest Werewolf of this world, for being an alpha of the most powerful Werewolf bloodline. So there is no way I can hide my scent from him.

"Yes, he can't." this time it is Maya and this surprise me even more since she is supposed to be one of the sane persons.

"Because my Master put a spell on you when he brought you here so nobody can identify your scent. Also you are going to cover your face as much as possible and since you are going with us, so nobody will dare to ask you anything." Maya explains in details.

This cause me to look at her face dumbly. I should have known something like this had happened otherwise they would found me long time ago in this Iezala. Wow, this Julianne guy is a genius.

Although I hate Daegan for what he did to me but the thought of seeing him again makes my stomach full of butterflies.


Belville Palace is the largest mansion I ever saw or heard of. It is almost 700 years old. Every thing is made of pure white marble. And for me, it is more beautiful than any other Palace I ever saw in pictures.

But of course I should expect at least this from the Werewolf Royalty.

Blood river pack is oldest and strongest pack of Werewolves' history and the Belvilles are their Alpha from generation to generation. They are living in this Iezala for almost 1000 years.

Blood river pack's Alphas were always the unofficial Kings of Werewolves. But they are officially called King by every Werewolves only 300 years ago.

300 years ago when the war between Werewolves, Vampires, Witches, Vetala and other powerful demon species are destroying everything in this world, then the King of Witches, Vladimir De Amblie, proposed to end this war by creating a council with the rulers of every demon species. All the demon species who joined this council take the vow of keeping peace with the other demon species in this council. This council is latter know as THE DEMON COUNCIL.

To join the Demon Council, Werewolves needed a official King. So the Alpha of Blood river and the most powerful Werewolf of that time, Julio Belville called every Werewolf packs in Iezala and declared himself as their KING. Since no other Alphas in this world were strong enough to challenge his authority, from that day Belvilles become the Werewolf Royalty.

"Luis, are you alright?" a soft melodic voice brings me back to the present.

I look at the owner of that voice to see Courtney is looking at me with a concern expression on his face. Nobody can even guess this person with green hair and green eyes with the looks of a teenage boy is actually the King of the most fearsome sea creature. Just like me, Courtney doesn't like to talk much, so at first I actually thought he is mute on the land like Ariel from 'The Little Mermaid'.

"Yes, I am alright," I inform him with a small smile which he returns.

Currently everyone is standing in the middle of the huge Palace garden and waiting for the arrival of the Alpha King and his family.

Every one of this gathering are mainly either Alphas or their Alpha-mates from various Werewolves packs around the world except Robert, Alicia, Ariah, Courtney, Maya and me. I hadn't met with Julianne yet but Maya told me that he is going be here.

Surprisingly because of his spell and my simple disguise nobody identity me yet. I can smell all the werewolves who beat me that day are present somewhere in this mansion but looks like they can't smell my scent.

I can see Drake is also present here. Looks like my father hasn't returned yet so he sent Drake as the Alpha.

Seeing that bastard is making my inner wolf go wild. It wants to rip that liar into million pieces and bath in his blood.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm my murderous urges. I don't want to blow my cover after taking this much risk to see my mate.

Even though I know he is never going to acknowledge me and will try to kill me if he ever find out that I am alive but I am stupid enough to still wanting him.

Just like Alicia said I really don't want to miss one of the biggest moments of his life. I want to see his face when the Alpha King is going to declare him as the new King.

"Look, they are coming,", I heard someone's voice and then the most delicious scent in this world hit me for the second time.

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