Silence fills the room. Not even the crickets chirp.

"Umm... Well, I guess I should thank you." He flashes a large, toothy grin.

"It was nothing." I smile back. "Anyways, we are looking through these books to see if there might be any more information about black wolves that aren't generally known."

Liam nods, finally, semi-understanding what's going on. I move the book Ravyn handed me and grab the two leather-bound books I showed Ravyn earlier. I open the first one and see it's a journal written during The Dark War. Curious, Ravyn peeks over at what I'm reading.

"Why are you looking at blank paper?"

I jumped, caught off guard. "What are you talking about? The writing's right there." I point at the words 'Journal Entry 1 4.23.1910'.

She shrugs and squints, "I can't see it. Show Liam."

I turn the book towards Liam, but confusion etches his face as well.

"You guys seriously can't read it?" They shake their heads. "I can't seriously be the only person who can see the writing."

We go silent once more until Ravyn's gasp reels us back in, "That's it!" she pauses (dramatic as always), "That's definitely one of my mom's enchantments. Your parents must've had her place a spell so that only you can read it. To protect the information inside..."

"Which means, it has to have some truth behind it if they didn't want anyone else to find out about it." Excitement fills me to the brim. The urge to devour all of the information contained within these books becomes almost unbearable. "Ok. I'll look at these. We'll come together in, let's say an hour?"

They nod in agreement and we all begin to read until we're hit with another surprise. We all look up as a small fire begins forming in the air. I quickly jump off the couch, while Liam struggles to get up, and as a result, begins having a minor panic attack. We quickly calm him down, informing him that it's only a fire message. Harmless.

"Harmless my ass. The only thing harmless would be Ravyn releasing me from this damn spell."

We chuckle at his predicament. I watch as Ravyn turns to read the message and her face slowly begins to fall.

"My parents... Derick... Hunter."

"Oh crap. I'm so sorry Ravyn. We will get them back. I promise."

I look towards Liam for support.

"I promise you Ravyn, my pack and I will help as much as we can. Hunter has proven himself a threat to us all."

"We have to go now. Who knows what he'll do to them!"

I try to calm her down and knock some sense into her, "We can't just go. It's the middle of the night, there's only three of us, and we don't even know where they're being held."

"That doesn't mean we just leave them to die!"

"Ravyn. Stop and listen to yourself. They aren't going to die. He obviously needs them alive. If anything, he is trying to bait you there and take you too. You need to be smart. This is an obvious trap." Liam takes the words right out of my mouth.

Strange. For someone who was fearful of her not even a full day ago, he sure seems ballsy to me. Only people that know Ravyn well would talk to her like that.

"You know he's right Rav. I think we should all call it a night. We will leave at dawn to Liam's packhouse. Then we will figure out a plan. Ok?"

Shocked by it all, Ravyn nods in agreement. I tell her to take one of the upstairs rooms to get some rest, but she refuses. Instead, she goes back to her coven to inform the witches and says she'll meet us at Liam's packhouse. I ask her to take the books with her and hide them, including the 2 journals I found. As soon as Ravyn disappears, Liam jumps off the couch.

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