"What?" I asked.

"You're keeping something from us and usually I'd respect that, but it's really bugging me. What's going on?" he asked and I looked down, embarrassed. “Hadley?”

I let out a tiny sigh and stood up. Caleb was still staring at his cartoons and he looked up at Alex innocently when they were switched off.

"He can keep watching, it's fine" I said, wanting to go into a different room so Caleb didn’t hear anyway.

Alex sort of hesitated before putting them back on, following me out into the kitchen, where I all but smacked my head against the wall.

Alex hugged me from behind. "Now tell me what's up"

"It's Sarah"

"Is she the one that beat the crap out of you?"

"Yeah" I sighed.

"What happened?"

I shrugged. "Something pissed her off and she took it out on me"

"Does she do that a lot?" he asked and I nodded. "Told anyone else?" he asked and I shook my head. "You should let someone else know. Like the domestic violence helpline kinda people. I mean I'm happy to go beat the crap out of her for hurting you, but I'm guessing you won't want that" he said, smiling faintly.

"Not really" I said and he nodded, playing with my hair when I smacked my head against the wall again.

"Things'll be okay, Bunny. I'll help you however you need me to if you want" he said.

"Do you know how demeaning it is getting beat up by a girl?" I snapped, the tiniest bit frustrated. “Sorry”

"It's fine, I just don't wanna say something that'll make you feel worse" he said and I let out a sigh. "I just wanna help. I can tell you about how it's not as uncommon as you'd think, but I'm pretty sure that's not gonna make a difference to you, so just tell me how I can help you and I will" he said, leaning against the wall when I shrugged. “Sorry”

"It's okay, I'm being a dick"

"How are you being a dick?"

"Just am" I shrugged.

"You're not. I don't think so anyway"


He smiled. "You know I'm always around if you need me" he said and I nodded, earning myself another proper hug.

I hugged back, burying my face in Alex’s neck as he kissed the top of my head. I sniffled a little, feeling my eyes well up. I sniffled again as he hugged me a little tighter.

"It'll be okay, Bunny" he said soothingly, but I didn’t believe him. I mean, how could it be okay? "You can report her to social services for hitting her kid if you don't want to have to tell anyone else about this. That should be enough to get her out of your life"

I shook my head. "She'll know it was me"

"And she'll have to go through me to hurt you again" he said and I looked up at him innocently. "I'm not letting her hit you again, Hadley"

I nuzzled his neck, sniffling again as he kissed the top of my head again.

"Did I miss something?" I heard Caleb ask and looked up to see him arching an eyebrow at us.

"He's on his period" Alex said.


"Give the poor guy a hug, he's all hormonal"

"Don't get blood on me" Caleb said, hugging me and making me laugh a little.

"It's okay, I gave him one of your tampons" Alex said and Caleb frowned.

Picking Up The Pieces (Working Title)Where stories live. Discover now