Chapter 54: Master

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I opened my eyes and yawned. I made it another day here in the cage. "Morning, Shana." Spoke master softly. "Morning." I said and stood up. I laughed and watched as he smiled at me. "I have some important news for you." He said and I smiled. "Oh, did you get me a puppy!" I asked jumping. "I got you a friend. Say hello to Kimi." He said and showed me a girl. She had long brown hair, red eyes and she looked about 17 years old. I smirked. "Oh, master another meal?" I asked jokingly. She looked shocked and I laughed. "I'm Shana. Welcome home princess." I said putting my head through the cage bars. I could hear how fast her breatgimg is from here. Seems like shes scared and master doesn't need a whimp right now. I already dislike her.

She walked away with master and the doctor came and gave me my medicine. Oh, how I loved getting these shots. "Thank you, doctor." I smirked and he left. Master walked in and opened up my cage door. "Two hours rememeber. Spend at lest an hour with Kimi." He intructed. I nodded and skipped outside. I saw her sitting on the bench and she waved at me. "Umm...master said you might be able to teach me some moves." She said and stood up. I shook my head and smiled. "No thank you." I said and walked passed her. "But he said you must." She said and laughed. I rolled my eyes and looked at her. "Okay...fine." I trailed off and taught her how to make a border-line. "I did it!" She shouted and jumped up and down. "Congrats." I said sarcassicaly and walked away. Wow, this girl only found out how to do a border-line in over 20 tries. She needs an award for the best loser. "Hey, wait up!" She shouted and ran to me. I stopped and looke at her. "Where are you going?" She asked me amd I shrugged. Why does she need to know? "Why are you so cold towards me?" She asked with a hurt look. "Stay away from me." I said and walked away. "Come on, wait up. Why can't we be friends?" She asked and grabbed my hand. I clenched my jaw and turned around. I pushed her back and she fell to the floor. "Don't touch me, talk to me or follow me." I said and walked away for the last time.

I walked towards the park to see if I could find anything to do. I stopped as soon as I saw someone that caught my eye. A familiar person that once layed a kiss on my lips. A person who I dearly hated. Yato. I smirked and sat down on the park bench. He has changed from last time I saw him. I watched as he spoke to someone. He had a dark aura around him. He seemed to be enjoying this. Enjoying living without me. I smiled at the scene. I sat there staring at the poor soul. He seems lonley but, not alone.

A few minuets later...

I got up and wiped my hands off my dress. Observing Yato from afar for twenty minuets seems kind of stalkerish but, i'm Shana. I will do anything. I walkes back to my home and found master talking to Kimi. "I told you to spend time with her." He said and sighed. He put his hand on her back and pushed her foward. "Please." He said and smiled. "Master, I respect her but, I shall not spend time with her." I said and he chuckled. She looked and I laughed. "Look at her master. She's nothing compared to me." I said and smirked at her. She scoffed. "You haven't even seen me fight!" She shouted and I rolled my eyes. "I don't have to." I said. She ran towards me but, master stopped her. "You can do that later. It's time to go into the cage now Shana." He said and smiled. "Yes, master." I said and he lead me to the cage. I got in and sat down on the floor. I closed my eyes and heard movement. I looked above me and saw the doctor. "What do you want?" I asked and he chuckled. "Medicine." He said and I smiled. "Fine." I said and gave him my arm. He injected me with medicine. I've never gotten two shots in a day before. I wonder what will happen to me now.

Yatos father POV

The doctor gave Shana another shot. I hope this works. "What are you doing to her?" Asked Kimi and I laughed. "Oh, you'll see." I said and smiled. I lead her to Shanas' cage and opened it. "Fight." I said and locked the cage door.

Your POV

Kimi stood looking at me. I smirked and she moved back. "What are you doing here?" I asked rudely and she shook her head. "Master said fight and we shall fight." I aaid and she kintted her eyebrows together. "Why should we fight? We are friends right?" She asked and I laughed. I really hate this girl. I would never be friends with someone like her. "No." I spat and stood up. "Fight me." I said and smiled. "No, please." She begged. "You said you're strong right? Prove it." I said and she paled. I jumped at her and punched her face. I can hear master chuckling. He likes when i'm like this. I like it too. I hit her face and kicked her in the process. I grabbes my sword and swung it at her. She screamed and then silence. It soon stopped when I my laugh echoed through the cage. This was the best thing ever.


Who am I?(Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora