Chapter 19: Yato im scared

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It's been about two says since I last had some flashbacks. I guess it was good that it hasn't happened  but, what if the next time it happens it's even worse then before. It's almost like my flashbacks are happening in my darkest moments and they're happening each time with even more detail. I shouldn't think about that now anyway. Yato told me that we need a break from all of this and that's why we're at the drum store.

I walked in and the man didn't know who I was. He was the same man but, I just remembered what Yato said to me that night after we came from the resturant. Yato spoke for me since every time I wanted to he would cover my mouth and mimic me in a whiny voice which caused me to 'accidentily' punch him in the face. Good times,good times.
"Ready to blow off some steam?" Asked Yato smiling. I'm not angry Yato but, sure. Why not. "Go ahead." He said and pushed me towards the drum set with the two drum sticks in my hands. I sat down in front of the drums and Yato sat on a chair near some shelves close by. I counted slowly and started playing a beat. Yato smiled at me while I was playing. He seemed to like it when I had fun.

A few minuets later...

Well that was awesome! " was. You are so cool." Said Yato laughing and put his arm around my shoulders. I smiled at him but, for some reason I think that was about to end. On the other side of a near store was a phantom small enough to kill easily but, big enough to see. "Let's go!" Shouted Yato and called me making me go into that white room once more. The fight was won pretty easily by us of course.

"Hey Y/N I just wanted to say that while we were fighting it felt good. But near the beginning you were scared?" He asked me as we walked. I nod and shrug. I admit that I was at first since I haven't fought in about 4-6 days. Yato laughed and smiled warmly. "Okay, I suppose you were feeling a bit nervous as well." He said and rubbed my hair. Yato not my hair! He laughed and pulled me to his side. "You're one of a kind I'll tell you that Y/N." He said looking forward. Yato you're one of a kind.

Two days later...

After Yato and I just fought a battle which we nearly lost because of me we layed there on the ground catching our breath. Yato i'm sorry. Was he listening to me? Yato? Yato? "I'm ignoring you for a reason." He simply said. Well that hurt. Yato sorry I know it was my fault. "Really? I never even noticed." He said rudely. Oh great here he goes again. He's going to start another argument which always involes me having a flashback not this time. "Whats wrong with you?" Yato asked but not in a caring way,more like a 'what the hell do you think you're doing?' voice. I'm sorry Yato but I don't know. "If it's related to one of you're flashback stuff then okay I get whats happening but you can't always use that as an excuse for being weak." He said a bit more rudely than I'd like. Yato I'm not weak. "Y/N, you haven't been training lately and by the looks of it you seem pretty usless at the moment." He said looking at me. "Your bolts are blunt. Your arch is bent backwards in places. Your emotions are making your weapon weak. Your actually pointless to use." He said again. Yato? I didn't notice it but he wasn't being his kind self. Only a few hours ago we went to that drum store and he told he I was strong. I really don't know whats wrong with me but if he keeps talking like this to me he's going to say something he'll regret later on. "Y/N you're not strong enough!" Yato shouted at me. Why did my heart feel broken?

I looked down in sorrow. I saw my own tear drip down to the floor. Has Yato just made me, cry?


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