Chapter 22: Training

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Ever since that day when Yato and I shared that kiss which was about a month ago he said we should train. So, then we trained when we came back that day and its been going well. So far I've learned to keep all my strength in until I know Yato needs it the most. I also started learning hand to hand combat incase anything goes wrong and Yato taught me how to make border lines to protect us when needed.

Today was training and Yato has been sleeping for almost 15 hours now. How can he sleep for so long? I guess I'm just going to train alone today. I walked to the open where we made targets,punching bags and kicking equipment. I started off with punching the punching bags. Ever since Yato told me that he was proud of me for my fighting abilities I've been wanting to be even better. After a few punches I stopped and rolled back my shoulders. Time to kick things then. I swung back my leg and kicked with all my force which caused the wooden target to break. "Ouch..." I wined. I pulled a muscle in my leg. I shook my leg a bit and then walked on it for a little bit. I looked over at the sleeping Yato. Good he didn't hear that.

I want to go jogging but, I don't want to worry Yato. I'm sure it will be okay. I quickly grabbed a stick and wrote on the dirt 'went jogging be back soon' I wrote. I hope he reads it. "Bye." I said to him.

I jogged away passed the trees and went around the corner passed the shops and then stopped in the park. I feel so tierd now. I'll just sit down on the bench for a few moments. Time to think a bit I guess. I can't seem to get that kiss that Yato and I shared out of my mind. I think I like Yato but, I can't like him. He's just my master. He's a god and i'm a regalia which means I'm human and I don't know if thats a crime or not.

I laughed. But we have grown closer to each other. We are friends and I love him being there for me.

Maybe I have to go the shrine again. I started jogging again and soon made my way back to find Yato not sleeping anymore. But, where was he? Just before I could look around someone from behind attacked me. "Who are you!" A male voice shouted. I kicked back and looked at him. He was layimg on the floor moaning in pain. "Yato...why did you attack me?" I ask him and bent down. "Well why did you kick me in the stomach?" He moaned in pain. I reached down but his hand grabbed mine and pull me on the floor making my head bash onto the ground. Yato was ontop of me laughing. "'re gonna get it!" I shouted and kicked him over me. I smiled evily while I stood just before he tackled me to the ground once again. He laughed and pinched my cheeks. I grunted in annoance. "Can you get off me now?" I asked while he smirked. He did and offered me a hand. I reached for it but he moved it away and I fell on my head. "Well thanks,Yato." I said sarcastically. "Sure thing." He said winking and walked away. So much for training.


Who am I?(Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon