Chapter 21: I'm sorry

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In the morning

I woke up slowly feeling my ribs. They didn't hurt as badly as last night but they were still sore. I got up trying to make little movment as possible. When I stood I walked halfway out the door before my legs felt weak. Someone helped me up. Yato. He smiled and placed me back on the placed me back on the bed. "Y/N,i'm so sorry that I said that you were usless and weak. I had some things on my mind and I was taking my anger out on you. I'm a jerk and I've said to many sorrys that I'm pretty sure you won't forgive me this time." He said pacing around infront of me. I grabbed his hand. "Yato,I'm not going to say I feel that what you did doesn't still hurt me but, I will forgive you if you can make sure that you don't hurt me again." I said and looked at him. He intwined our fingers slowly. "Y/N, I know that I hurt you. I feel so guilty of it but I will try to be better towards you. I don't want you to think of me as just a rude and stuborn master." He said and went on his knees putting his head on my lap. "I'm sorry." He said and closed his eyes.

He did care enough to come here. I sat down infront of him with our hands still intwined. His was now in the crook of my neck. I felt my shouder getting soaked. Was he crying? I let go of our hands and hugged him. His scent was once again on me. Thevscarf I got him he still wore. "I'm so sorry." He whispered in my ear. I hugged him tighter. I needed you Yato. "It's okay. I'm sorry too." I said and a tear rolled down my face.

We cried in that position for almost 10 mineuts and Kofuko and Daikoku didn't even seem to notice. I was gald of that though.

Yato slowly started to loosen the hug and so did I. I placed my hand on my knee and his hand was then placed ontop of my mine. I looked up at his stained face. His eyes full of guilt and saddness. I touched his face with my other hand. "I..." I couldn't say it. I wanted to tell him how I felt but I couldn't. Not now. He looked at my face looking to find an answer. I looked down and my last tear dropped on his hand. He lifted my chin up with his fingers and wiped away my tear stain. We just looked at each others eyes. Were we both searching for the same thing?

Yatos POV

I looked at her eyes and then her lips. Why was I feeling this way? By the time that I opened my eyes again I stook a long breath and moved forward.

Your POV

Yato was leaning in. I stayed in my spot. What is he doing? He put his hand at the back of my neck and pulled me closer to him. Just inches away he closed his eyes. I swallowed down my nerves and my lip started shaking. His mouth made contact with mine. I couldn't breath but my mouth melted onto his. Our lips moved prefectly together and he started playing with my hair. I closed my eyes and put my hands behind his head and ruffled through his hair making my way to his face. We stopped and pulled apart. I looked at his face and saw that he was just as shocked as I was. I laughed brought him in for another hug.

"What was that?" He asked. I laughed again and stood up. "Umm...I don't know. But it looked like we both needed it." I said. He smirked and then smiled. "Y/N,I don't want things to be weird between us now so can we not talk of this again?" He stated more than asked "Sure, Yato me either." I said and smiled at him. I think I just made the wrong choice but I want to keep him happy. He smiled and we stood up. He held my hand and walked me to the door. "Wait." He said and pushed me against the door frame. He kissed me again but this time slower with much more passion. He smiled. "Okay...did that just happen?" He asked. "Umm...let's go with no." I laughed.  He noded and then we walked out of the room together. This is going to be a little awkward but we'll try make it less awkward than it is.


Who am I?(Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin