Chapter 51: Kill them all

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Kofukos POV

It's been two months and no sign of Y/n anywhere. I'm so sad and so is Daikoku. We all miss her smile and her sweet Y/ec that sparkled everytime she saw us. Yato on the other hand has been even worse. He's changed a lot now that shes gone and I have a feeling Hiro isn't making it any easier for him. He changed his whole look from wearing sweat pants, a jacket and his signature scarf is changed to dull traditional clothing. His hair is much longer and his blue eyes have a hint of evil in them. He's so lost without her and so am I. I don't have my friend anymore and I'm worried I might never see her again. I looked over at Daikoku and smiled sadly. "How's Yato?" I asked and he swallowed some spit. "I can't find him anywhere. He must be battling with a phantom or something." He answered and sighed. He sat next to me and smiled. "We'll find her, okay." He said and hugged me. "It doesn't feel like it." I whispered. I formed tears and softly sniffed away from tears. I just can't go on without knowing if she's okay or not. If Yato's okay or not. I can't watch it go on.


Yatos POV

I jumped onto buildings and tried to see if I could find anything to kill. "Yato, look over there." Said Hiro through the blade. I looked around and saw a man. He had a phantom sitting on his head. I jumped down and smirked. "Master, rememeber what we talked about?" She asked and I chuckled. "Oh, of course." I said and swung my sword. The mans body droped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. I just killed this piece of garbage. He can't even defend himself from a phantom. He had to learn somehow. I stepped away as a crowd of people walked towards the man. "Call the police!" A women shouted and I chuckled. "Yato, why don't you just kill them all?" Hiro asked and I looked down. "Yes." I replied and laughed rapidly. I put on a straight face and sliced each one of these humans. There were about six around the man so I killed seven. "Hiro." I said amd she stood next to me. "Good job, Yato." She said smirking. I smiled at my work and walked away. I need to find my father and stand with him. He needs to know I could be his son again.

Hiro and I were walking to an alley way where we sat. "Tell me, where is my father?" I asked and she laughed. "Why? Are you interested in the job?" She snicked. I clenched my jaw. "Hiro, tell me." I said roughly. She looked shocked and smirked. "I like this side of you, Yato God." She whispered and tiled her head. "To bad, that I don't exctaly know myself." She said and moved closer. "You see him everyday. Don't lie to me." I said and looked at her. "Oh, my Yato. I wouldn't go to your father right now. I would never go there if I were you." She said and smiled. "You see, you're to breakable." She said and kissed my cheek. I stood up and glared at her. "I am siding with him." I said and made a fist. "My, my. Yato, just calm down." She said and stood up. She wiped her clothing and looked at me. "Tell me, Hiro." I said sternly and she touched my face. I wasn't angry anymore. I felt lost. She moved closer to my face and whispered in my ear. "You're breakable." She said and smirked against my ear. I am breakable. "Father doesn't need you anymore." She said and let go.


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