Chapter 5:Friends

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Yato led me to a shrine which was kind of big. "This is the place." He said and walked inside the shrine with me following behind. "Welcome the newest recruit,Ame!" He shouted and pulled me inside. There was a girl and a man at a table talking. "Yati!" The girl screamed and jumped on him. I stared at the ground. "Ame! So nice to meet you." She said and jumped on me giving me a hug. I nodded and smiled. "She doesn't talk much." Said Yato and patted my back. "Meet Kofuko and Daikoku." Yato said and laughed. They both smiled and sat down at the table again. "Join us." Said Kofuko. "No. Yato is not allowed!" Shouted Daikoku. Yato proberly did something to annoy him. "Join us come on." She said. Yato and I sat down at the table and began to eat some food.

"You're paying for this Yato." Said Daikoku staring at Yato evily. Kofuko laughed. "Don't worry about it. Eat up, Shariou." She said and put some food inside my mouth. She basically forced me to eat it. I nodded and chewed happily.

A few minuets later...

"Hey do you guys have to go?" Asked Kofuko with a sad face. Yato laughed. "We can stay if you want us to." Said Yato looking at Daikoku smiling. "He's not sleeping in my bed." He said and grunted. "It's okay if you guys don't want to." She said smiling. Yato? Yato? "Ame." Yato said and looked at me. Could we stay I mean I really want to get to know your friends now that i'm your regalia and stuff now. Yato smiled. "Okay then,we can stay." Said Yato and Kofuko smiled and ate again.


After we had many meals and just relaxed well Yato relaxed I was busy trying to talk but, it didn"t really work out as much as I had hoped. But after a few games and jokes we all had to sleep.

"Daikoku and I will sleep in the room while you guys make your own sleeping arangements." Said Kofuko and said goodnight. "Goodnight!" Shouted Yato and then looked at me. "So where do you wanna sleep?" He asked. I pointed to the couch. "Are you sure there is a bed in there." He pointed at another room.

I shook my head and sat on the couch. He sighed. He sat by my side. He slowly stood up holding my hand gently. "Lets go sleep okay. You're gonna hurt me if you sleep on the couch." He said and smiled kindly. I follow him to the room and he jumped on the bed and puts his arms behind his head. "Goodnight." He said. Goodnight Yato. "Thanks." He said and turned to the side. I got in bed and was falling asleep when a arm was drapped around me. Yatos arm. I just let him sleep ontop of me. I felt cold anyways.

A few hours later...

I woke up in the morning. It was a bit late and I decided just to lie there for a few more minuets. "Hey,get up lazy bones!" Shouted someone in my ear. I woke up quickly and stood up. I rubbed my eyes and went to go bath. I hadn't had one since I arrived. To be honest I think I stunk even before I was a regalia.

After my bath Kofuko gave me some clothes to wear. The only extra clothes she had was a grey shirt that said 'painted', some jeans and boots. I kind of like this look. Did I wear these kinds of clothes before?

I got out of the bathroom and went into the seating area and waited for something to happen. "Look who's all fresh and clean" Said Yato walking passed me. He stared with wide eyes. "Thats a good look,Ame." He said and smiled. I nodded and smiled without him seeing but, I was in my own world.

"Morning mom. Thank you I do I try to look my best." I said. I spoke out loud!


Who am I?(Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang