Chapter 27: Caring for the ill

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Yato dragged me along to Kofukos' house so that I can be fed and cared for there. But, what happened to the other plan about staying in bed? Anyway I suppose this was better though. I got tierd fast and when we reached there I just layed down on the bed. My muscles were paining,my head was spining and I feel like a train carrying a thousand cars filled with bricks just rode over me.

Yato sat beside me just looking at my face covered in sweat. I couldn't even move my limbs because it hurts to much. "I'll go get some soup." Yato said and walked out of the room.

Does my condition now have something to do with what I felt in my past? This feeling is a feeling that seems to be haunting me. My emotions are going wild I can feel it. I should tell Yato when he gets back. I just layed there on the bed looking up at the ceiling. I'm afraid of what I might see. I didn't realise that I just shed tear that gently rolled down my pale face. I quickly rubbed it away and closed my eyes. I heard someone walk in very quietly. The bed sank on one side and a hand touched ny forehand. "Yeah. We'll get you some medicine." Said someone and then walked out. The bed slowly sank again. "Hey. Y/N wake up." Someone said and tapped my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Yatos eyes staring right at me. "I got you some soup. Daikoku just went to get you some medicine. I think you're getting the flu." He said and helped me ait up right. Yato then gave me the bowl of soup. "Can you feed yourself?" He asked seriously. He doesn't need to feed me. I shook my head and slowly got the soup in my mouth. My arm hurt to move but, I didn't want to admit that I need help. "Let me just feed you, Y/N." He said and took the spoon from my hand. "Open wide." He said and I opened my mouth. He chuckled as it accidently dripped down onto my chin. He wiped it off my chin and fed me until the soup was completely finished.

"Don't worry okay. Daikoku will be here soon to give you medicine." Yato said and left the room.

Yatos POV

I left the room and went to the kitchen to put down the bowl. "Yati,are you okay?" Asked Kofuko and hugged me. "I'm okay. I'm just...worried." I said and turned to her. "About, Y/N?" She asked and looked at the room. "Yeah." I said and stretched. "Don't worry. You have to stay strong for her. As long as you take care of her she'll be fine." She said and smiled. "Thanks." I said and went and slept on the floor.

Your POV

I was fast asleep but, I wasn't dreaming. My thoughts were just roaming around in my head. They were nice thoughts,calm and quiet. Yato? What,why was Yato in my thougts. I missed him. I don't know why though..this flu is worse than I thought. "Hey, wake up sleeply head." Said someone. They tapped my shoulder. I couldn't and wouldn't open my eyes. I was so tierd. "Y/N,i'm going to get Yato to get you to take your medicine then." Someone said. I fell into a deeper sleep just before someones hand was placed on mine. "Y/N. Take the medicine. It's going to help you get better." He said and sat down on the bed.

I opened my eyes once again. "I'm sorry but, after this you can sleep okay." Yato said and I nodded. "Okay here you go." He said an handed me a glass of water and two pills. "Thank you,;Yato." I spoke softly. "Just take the pills." He said and I gulped down the pills. "Good." Said Yato and pet my head. He took the glass out of my hand and placed it onto the table. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked. I shrugged and smiled with sleeply eyes. Yato looked down worried. "Get better." He said and stood up. I didn't want him to leave. "Yato?" I asked and he looked at me. "Yes?" He asked. "Please...stay with me?" I asked shyly. He sat down on the bed again.

Yato put his arm around my waist and held me in his arms. "Than-" I was cut off by Yato. "It's okay." He said and hugged me tighter pushing me into his chest. My breathing went with his and I soon fell asleep in his warm embrace.


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