Chapter 57: The plan

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Yatos father POV

Perfect. Shana is evil and seems like Yato wants to be on my side. I chuckled and looked at my daughter. "Hiro, I want you tell Yato that i'm coming with his regalia and that I wish to be sided with him." I said and she smirked. "Master. He will never know what hit him." She said and walked away. I smiled and looked at Shana sitting in her cage. We drugged her so much she proberly feels like shit now. I better go and break the news to her. I walked inside the cage and bent down to her level. "Shana sweetheart. Yato wishes to battle with you. His exact words were 'I want to hang her head over my shrine'. It seems you better get training sunshine. My son isn't a quiter." I said and smirked. She looked blank and I left her speechless. I walked out and stopped. "Eight hours. Shana get ready." I said and laughed. Ive worked out my plan perfectly. Now i'm just counting on Hiro to sell it to Yato properly.

Hiro POV

I was sitting next to Yato with a grin. "What do you want?" He asked and got water from the well. "Father would like to meet with you." I said calmly. He turned around and swallowed his spit. "Why?" He asked and I laughed. "He wants to join you of course. Isn't that what you wanted?" I asked and he paled. "So, he's working with me?" He asked and I shook my head. "Yato, thats what he wants to talk about." I cleared up and he nodded. "So, does he think I've got what it takes?" He asked. He asks a lot of questions it's just painful to hear. "Yato, the meeting starts in eight hours." I said and rolled my eyes. "Here." I said and walked away. He bought it father.

I walkes back to the shrine and looked at Shana training. It must suck to know that your boyfriend wants you dead. I laughed and walked to master. "It's done." Insaid and he nodded. "Good. Now we wait." He said and smiled.

Your POV

I trained in the cage. I just thought of ripped off Yato head with my own two hands. Wait, what am I saying? I guess the crazy hasn't worn off yet as muh as I'd hoped.

Why would Yato want to fight with me though? Did that girl do somethin with him? Did she also drug him into thinking these strange thoughts? Yato would never hurt me. Well not physically. I rememeber we had a few arguments but, hurt me phyically that can't be right. Make me This doesn't feel really convincing to me but, I guess if Yato wants to fight then we can fight I suppose. It still doesn't add uo though. I heard something about Yato being on his fathers side. Then why are they dragging me into this? Yato didn't even want to be in this mess to begin with and I ruined it.


"Your son doesn't want to be your little toy. He is capable of working alone. He doesn't want to be a god of destruction." I said to him. He smirked. "I see. Maybe you would want to join me?" He asked and grabbed my arm.

End of flashback

I shouldn't have done that. I made him think he could take me. I should've kept my mouth shut like Yato told me to. Did he know this was going to happen? I just wish I listened to him. I miss him so much but, he wants to kill me now. Something is wrong with all of this. It just doesn't add up to anything anymore.

8 hours later...

Yatos father and I were now looking at Yatos shrine. Well not his...he's a stray. I laughed at my thought and Yatos father chuckled. "Are you ready?" He asked and I nodded. I know that this isn't real. I'm not stupid. Somethings up. I can feel it. We jumped down and I landed with my sword. Yato wasn't here but, someone was. Hiro. "Where is Yato?" I asked and she giggled. Why is she laughing?  I looked around and made eye contact with the man I love. Yato stood there wearing diffrent clothing and his hair has grown out. He looked like he's been through hell and back. "Yato I have come to fight!" I shouted at him. You see I have a feeling that he really doesn't want to fight. I mean he's standing with his mouth a bit opened, he doesn't have a weapon and yet his father claims he wants to battle.

Yato POV

She stood infront of me. I knew I saw her. It was her and she left before anything could happen. "Y/n?" I asked and she laughed. "It's Shana." She said and I felt a bit broken. She's not herself. "Father what is this?" I asked looking at him. "The only way that you will side with me if you win this battle." He said and I widened my eyes. Y/n seemed okay with it! "Why?" I asked and looked at her. "I won't hurt you." I said and I swear I saw her eyes flicker. "I will hurt you." She said and her mood changed completely again. Maybe this is how this ends then. I called for Hiro except she ignored my call and laughed. What is happening?


Who am I?(Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें