Chapter 12: Nightmare

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In your dream

"Y/N, come on don't be like that." Said a girl with short black hair following me through the college halls. "Leave me alone!" I shouted back. "Shut up!" She shouted and searched for me threw the school. "You should come out or I'll tell everyone that you cheated on, Jason." She said and smirked. "I never did!" I shouted and moved from my location. "I know. But, you deserve it since you basically stole him from me." She said and found me. I was shaking on the floor. "I found you fake girl." She said and started running at me. I stood up and ran through the halls. "Please, just stop. I did nothing to you!" I scream in fear. "I'll kill you!" She shouted and ran quicker. She slipped and fell. My legs got tierd and I had to rest for a second. "Who do you think you are?" Shouted a blonde haired girl. I looked at her. "Oh it's you!" She shouted and chased me around as well. "You stole him from Nicole, you big jerk!" She shouted. I colappsed on the floor and she fell onto me. "Idiot you made me fall!" She screamed and slapped my face. I shed a tear and layed on the cold floor. " got her. Did you do it yet?" The black haired girl asked. "Not yet. Will you hold her down?" She asked and moved back. The black haired girl sat ontop of me holding my arms above my head. "Open your mouth!" Shouted the blonde girl hitting my face again. I did what she said and opened my mouth. "There we go." Said one of them. "By the way you have dirt in your mouth. So you should eat it!" She shouted and poured water into my mouth. I choked on the dirt water. They laughed at me and punched my face. She got off of me and kicked me on my head. I couched out the water but I fell asleep on the floor.
End of flashback

I woke up in a shock and with heavy beeathing. My eyes were stained with tears. A sob escaped my mouth which caused me shake with fear.

Yatos POV

I felt a pain in my heart. It caused me to get stung. I woke up as I heard a sob escape someones mouth. I opened my eyes and saw Y/N, having some sort of panic attack. I stood up and walked towards her. She didn't seem to know I was there.

Your POV

I cried the first tears I think I've cried in a long time. Wait, what about Yato? Did I wake him? I looked at where he slept he wasn't there. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Yato looking at me with worry. My lips started shaking. "Y/N,what happened?" He asked. Yato I had a bad dream. Please help me Yato. Im afraid. A tear dropped down onto my lap. "Y/N, stand up." He said and grabbed my hand. I didn't have the strength to lift myself up so he pulled me up.

My legs felt numb and I fell onto him but he held onto me. "Y/N!" He shouted and picked up my body. "Yato..." I said but he cut me off. "Don't speak." He said and changed the position I was in and picked me up bridal style.

Yatos POV

I bridal style carried her to my place and sat down with her in my arms. She cried into my jacket. She was shaking. "Y/N. Close your eyes and try to relax" I said and started playing with her hair. She placed her arms around my neck. She cried softly into the crock of my neck and her hands tightend against my clothes.

Your POV

I held onto him. I need him. I closed my eyes and tried to relax. His smell made me feel safe. His arms around me made me feel stronger. His hand in my hair made me feel loved. I know why my cheeks have been changing from pale to red and what i've been feeling every time he talks or touches me. I think I like Yato. Not as a friend. Not as a master. He truly see him than more than that and I need that right now. I held him close to me and his grip on me tightend on my body.

His hand stopped playing with my hair and lightly pulled my head off of his shoulder and neck. "Y/N. Tell me tomorrow okay." He said and kindly smiled. He looked at me with those eyes and rubbed my stained face with his thumb. His hand stayed on my face. We looked into each others eyes. I was searching to find hope in his eyes and for all I know he was trying to find out what was wrong with me. He pulled me close to himself and we hugged until he layed down with me next to him. My face was on his chest and I heard his heart rate speeding up. His arms were still around me and he shifted his arm and pulled me ontop of him. "Yato?" I asked and he hugged me. "I'm here okay." He said and he moved to his side making his arm tight around my waist. "Y/N. Close your eyes now and sleep. I'm here for you." He said and played with my hand until our fingers intwined. He shuffled and then I felt a pair of lips on my cheek. "Goodnight, Y/N." He said and pulled me closer. Goodnight Yato. I closed me eyes and rested in his safe arms.


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