Chapter 6: She finally speaks

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Yatos POV

Mom? Wait what did she just speak?
Your POV

What did I just say? Mom? I don't know why but anyway. My face went red with embarrement. "Ouch." Said Yato holding his neck. "You spoke." Said Yato with a sore face. I didn't want to but, it just came out. "So are you going to speak again?" He asked while I was still looking down with a bit of red on my face. I couched and looked up. "Wait,why did you call me mom?" He asked laughing. "Because that's what I did every morning." I stated and gasped.

Yato looked shocked. "You remember what you did every morning?" He asked and walked closer. I nod and swallow down some spit. "Look I don't know why it's possible that you remember your past life a bit but, how?" He asked and sat on the kitchen counter. I shruged. Look Yato I don't..."Please talk out loud. I want to hear your voice." He said inturupting my thoughts. "Look Yato. I tried talking yesterday before we came here because well, I thought I'd forgotten how to speak and you see I could only say these words 'Hello my name is Y/N' and I cried and this morning I can just talk." I breathed out. Yato jumped off the counter and walked to me. "You can even remember you name?" He asked curouisly and walked around me. "Yato, what are you doing?" I asked and turned to face him. He looked shocked. "This has never happened before." He said and looked into my eyes. "How can you remember those two things? Your mom and your name?" He asked and walked away.

I stood there and went quiet. Yato came back to where I was standing. "Do you rememeber anything else?" He asked worryily touching my shoulder softly. "No." I said and felt a pair of arms around me. Kofuko was hugging me. "It's good that you don't know some stuff." She said and walked away. Was she listening to our conversation? Anyway.

"We have to go so get your things together." Yato said and walked off somewhere while I stood in the same place since I called him mom. What did Kofuko mean when she said it's good that I dont know some stuff?

After a while we soon had to leave Kofukos and Daikokus house/shrine whatever it was. "You have your things?" Yato asked and looked at me. It's not like I came with anything,did I? "Oh right. Talk okay it's good to practise." He said. "Bye guys" We said to the two and walked away out into the city to where our home was. In an alley or on another gods shrine.

A few moments later...

Yato and I were walking passed some shops and I saw a cool drum set in the window. I like drums but, since when? Yato noticed me starting at the drum kit. "Hey,maybe one day we could have enough money to buy myself a shrine and you that drum set." Said Yato excitedly. I don't even know how to play. "Thanks." Is all I could say.

"So tell me, why did you decide to call me mom this morning?" He asked while we still walked. I shrugged and looked down at my feet. I really don't know why it's just that I used to do it every morning. Did me talking trigger me to gain old memories? "Ame, please just tell me everything you know." He said and grabbed my hand pulling me into a resturant. We sat down while I gulped down and breathed heavily from him just randomly pulling me. "Talk now." He said and put his arms on the table resting his chin on his hands. "Come on, talk Ame." He pleaded. Yato..."Talk." He said again. Is he seriously begging me just to talk. Wow what a weirdo. "Ouch. That really hurts you know." He said and put his hand on his neck. Sorry Yato. "Talk!" He shouted and wined about it. "Yato,stop being like my younger brother. It's really pissing me off!" I shouted and put my head down. My younger brother?

Yato looked at me in a worried way and then laughed. "Yato, do you like when people are confused or something?" I asked in a rude way which made me sting him again. "Yato,sorry. Please just stop with the begging." I said rubbing my temples. "Okay, Ame." He said and smiled. "First off call me Y/N." I said and he nodded. It felt good to have my name. Y/N it sounds like it belongs to me and only me. "Tell me more." He said and leaned onto his hands once more. "Okay." I said.


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