Chapter 3:Second fight

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Yato grabbed my hand when he got a call. We were in the middle of a forest. We held hands for a few more seconds and then he let go of my hand. "Come on. We have a mission." He said pointing to a man near by a river screaming at something. "Sekki!" He called and held out his hand.

I am in the white bright place again. "Ame,don't worry. It's gonna be a quick fight." He said softly and I felt anger rise inside of me not knowing why. I felt a bit of pain but not a lot as I said. "Hold on a little longer." He said and did what he did again.

Yatos POV

I shot the arrow again and again until the sprit left the man which was drowning him in the water. "One more shot." I said and shot the arrow. She was strong but, not strong enough. She needed to be sure of herself. The sprit left the man. "Ame." I said and she stood next to me with a blank face staring at the man. She walked close to the man who was still in the water hardly breathing. She did CPR on him just pushing on his chest. She put her ear close to his mouth and did it again. He opened his eyes and coughed out some water. I stood and watched how she pulled him out and helped him stand. She was the only regalia which helped people in her human form.

Your POV

I nodded and walked to Yato. He stood there smiling. "You're truly one of a kind." He said and laughed. "Lets go." He said and grabbed my hand making us go back to the alley way. I looked down at our hands that were still connected. He let go just before I did and walked out of the alley. "You coming?" He asked and looked back at me. I nodded and walked to him. "You know I can basicaly hear you talking inside your head but I can't hear your voice. Will I get to hear it soon?" He asked looking down at me smiling. I shrugged. I wonder can I try talk but i don't want to say the wrong things. Could someone teach me? No one will. I should figure it out myself. Yes after every mission Yato and I do I should practise speaking. "I guess you're stuck in your own thoughts." He said and shook his head. I stopped walking. He looked back worringly. "Are you okay?" He asked. "You know I was just saying that you tend to just stick to your thoughts." He said and walked closer to me. Why was I so scard to talk? Why can't I remember anything? I can only remember my name and I can't even say it.

He slowly put his hand on my shoulder. "Come on. Don't worry." He said and put his hand on back and we started walking again. I just knew Yato needed someone to talk to and I knew he hated me for not talking but, i'm just worried. I hope he understands.


Who am I?(Book 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt