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Beep! Beep! Beep! I open my eyes and shut off the small alarm under the blankets. The sleeping quarters cameras don't have mics, only the hall ones do. I slowly pull the mini laser pointer from my belt and shine it quickly at the camera lens. The camera twitches and shuts off with a puff of smoke. The laser disrupts the signal and frys the motherboard, it's unlikely anyone will be sent to fix it until at least tomorrow. I get up and pull off the huge sweater, I check my belt.
Laser pointer
Cigarettes and lighter
Pocket knife
And that's it, time to do it. I slowly open my door and peak out, the hallway is clear. I grab my map and flashlight and slowly maneuver along the wall and out of camera view. Slowly but surely I make my way to the library. I step inside and take a deep breath, no cameras to hide from in here. Omega walk in from a different door and joins me at the computer console. I start sweeping through the database while she looks through the records.
"Delta?" Omega asks.
"Yeah?" I look at her.
"Look up the beginning of the war, something doesn't add up," she says not moving her eyes from the paper in her hand. I nod and take a look.
"There was a mission just before the threats started, it wasn't anything dangerous but the agent ended up bringing back an unnecessary prisoner," the agent responsible is named Jackson Kick. I type his name into the search bar.
"There are a few commanders logs here..." I say aloud to myself as I click on one of them.
"We should have killed them while we had the chance! We should never have never welcomed monsters into our society!"
My eyes widen, he was against monsters? I listen to a few more and work out what happened.
"Omega?" I call.
"Yeah?" She jogs over with her flashlight in hand.
"The monsters didn't start the war," I turn and face her. "We did."
Her eye widen with me.
"How?!" She doesnt yell but she is flustered.
"This guy Jackson, he hated the monsters, he was sent on a mission. He kidnapped someone important, that's why the threats started."
"They never got their guy back..."
"And war started, this is our fault."
"Well were being deployed on the front lines tomorrow, and he's leading us!"
" we have to stop this!"
"How? We don't even know who we were before all this."
I look away, she's right. I sigh and pull out my lighter.
"Be quiet for a sec, ok?" She nods. I take a breath and flick the lighter. The flame flashes a green before assuming its orange yellow colour. Green flame?-
Laughing, a little green flame monster laughing with me, I'm getting her ready, for school I think. What's her name? Who is she the daughter of? Who? The room were in begins to shake, but she doesn't notice.
"Delta!" I'm instantly back in the library. Omega is shaking me wildly. "Come on someone is coming!" I shut off the computer and hide behind the book stack with omega beside me. The door opens and the light comes on, I blink at the sudden light but my eyes adjust quickly. It's him, it's Jackson, the man who started the war.
He takes a look at the computer before pulling out his phone.
"Hey... all shut down... false alarm... going back to bed... bye," he hangs up and leaves the room, the lights shutting off as the door closes with a click. I look at omega.
"The files are monitored, someone doesn't want anyone looking at them."
"He starts a war and they protect him?" We sit and grab the mission files from that month. We scan through them till we find it, we are stopping this war. The prisoner is the, the, the fucking queen?
"What is it? Delta?"
"The queen , the queen was the prisoner."
"No wonder the monsters reacted the way they did, humans would have just nuked everything."
"Oh we did alright-"
And everything goes black.

Falling for a flame with a family.                                             .Where stories live. Discover now