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??? Pov.
The alarm lets me know of its presence once again. I groan and sit up, of all days Cindy wants to have brunch it's right after my late night livestream, nice. I hop up and take a shower, it's only like seven so I can take my time, for now. I wash my hair and just lean against the wall and let myself stay in the streams of water. I take a deep breath and turn off the water. I step out of the shower stall and dry myself off. I towel off my hair and hang it up to dry. I throw on a pair of black jeans and a dark purple long sleeved shirt. I move back to the bathroom now that the steam has dissipated. I grab my hair brush and brush through my short purple hair. I throw on some mascara and line my bottoms eyelids with black eyeliner. My pale skin and brown eyes look back at me, I wish I was prettier but at least I'm not actually ugly. My phone rings, I check the caller, it's Cindy.
"Hey Cindy," I say picking it up.
"Hey Tesla, look mark is hungover and it's funny as hell but we can't do brunch today."
"Awe, then why the fuck did I get out of bed?"
"Tesla Jack, you need a life," I grip the bridge of my nose.
"I don't need any social interaction in my life, I have the internet for that. Anyway tell mark he's a dumbass for me, bye," I roll my eyes. I hang up and flop back down on my bed, well I can't sleep now. I head back to the bathroom and put on my signature dark purple lipstick. I grab my black leather jacket and slip on my converse and head out. What the fuck? I'm 26 and I'm not allowed any alone time? I roll my eyes again and walk to the mall, it's not very far. I head inside and grab a coffee from the cafe and walk to work. Its not even lunch and it's already got people here.
"Thought you had plans?" Will asks as I walk in.
"Canceled," I say as I punch in and head to the back. I've been a performer for two years now, the restaurant is small, but we've got a bunch of regulars that come weekly. I've been told I'm the only reason some of them come, which is bulshit, they come cause the vodka is cheap. I hook up my work play list and get on stage, people clap and the music starts. I grab the mic and sit on the stage as the song starts, Britney Spears. A few songs go by and I head off with more applause. I grab an apron and bust tables. I bring the dishes to the back and wash them, I just finish when another bucket full gets dropped. I sigh, I need the money for the apartment and killing isn't worth the jail time. By three o'clock I punch out and leave my work. I drop by the mall cafe again and grab a salad, I sit and eat and look around me. Kids with their parents and sister just laughing and having a good time. Brothers and friends joking around. I think back to the orphanage, growing up. My family didnt want me, but who would really? I sigh and pick at my lunch.
"Darling I must say voice is fabulous!" I look up and see him, like him. That robot that's all over the tv.
"Oh, you know me?"
"Darling I'm subscribed to you," I blush. I have mettaton subscribed to me?
"But all I do is covers of songs, the occasional vlog and laugh at stupid twitter wars," I raise a brow.
"Darling there is way more than that, you check out Grillbys, it's opening on Monday," he says dropping a paper on the table.
"Will do," I laugh and mettaton walks off. I unfold the paper, it has his phone number on it. What the the hell just fucking happened? I honestly have no fucking clue. I finish my salad and walk home. I step inside and check the fridge, empty. Good thing I just ate, I guess. I pull my laptop up and record some more and edit together a video. I need more subscribers, I need them.

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