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Grillby just looks at me. Like he's at a loss for words.
"It's also the reason why I always help people, it makes me feel like I belong there. Even if it's only helping for a few minutes," I gulp. Grillby approaches me, great, pity.
"Look I don't want pity really-" he puts a hand on my cheek softly.
"You never cease to amaze me," wait what? I furrow my brows in confusion. He smirks. "Every time I think I understand you, you always seem to surprise me."
He leans in and kisses me softly, the heat rises around me, his hands move up my arms and he holds me close. We separate and he looks at me.
"You need some new clothes," he says.
"And an apartment," I say pulling out my phone. I don't have a lot in my bank, but I don't have to pay rent tomorrow and I'll be getting compensation in the next week or so, I just have to be over dramatic about my wardrobe.
"I'll head over to the mall early, I'll be back in time to help with the lunch time rush," he nods slowly. I head upstairs and brush out my hair and fix my makeup. I chew on a piece of gum to freshen my breath and brush off my clothes. I head outside and across the street to the mall, I grab a small coffee from the food court and walk to the mini thrift store. I pull out my phone and start a livestream vlog. I look through the tops, band shirts, and just plain blouses. I grab a few blouses for waitressing and some cooler ones for myself. I pay for the cheaper items and move on to a more modern clothing shop. I pick out some pants and pause the livestream while I grab some new underwear. I get to the cash and the price is like a knife in my heart. I move on and think what else I need, everything else I'll need to get by, hygiene stuff. I roll my eyes and pick up a mini shampoo and conditioner set, tooth brush and tooth paste, girl time stuff, along with a new bag to hold everything. Stop in the food court and look at all the stuff, I dump the bathroom stuff in a new makeup bag. And everything in the huge backpack. I drop all the plastic bags in the trash on the way out and toss the bag over my shoulder as I end the livestream. I head out and walk back to Grillbys. It's not too busy so I duck upstairs and quickly change into a pair of black jeans and an orange blouse. I head downstairs and throw on an apron and get to work, I take orders and leave them for Grillby and clean while he prepares the meals. I bring the meals out and bring dishes back. It works like a well oiled machine, we fall in sinc and just get shit done. The door opens and Blaze comes running in, i pick her up and give her a quick spin before sitting her on a bar stool to do her writing practice sheets. Grillby steps out and has a quick chat with her before we get back to work. The time moves and people clear out as we near closing time. I grab a glass of water and down it. The last people clear out and Grillby flips the open/closed sign to closed. I Run my fingers through my oily hair and blow out a breath, it has been a long day.
"Hey Grillby, do you guys have a shower I can use?" I ask.
"There is one connected to my room and one just in the hall, you can pick either."
"Thanks," I call and head upstairs. I use the bathroom connected to the bedroom that way the hallway one is available. I pull my bathroom bag and grab the mini shampoo and stuff. I have a quick shower and dry off, I change into the same jeans and black tank top. I clean up the bathroom and head out. The bed wasn't made from last night. I shrug and quickly make it. I drop my bags against the wall and head back downstairs.

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