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The week passed since their trip and it was almost time to leave Korea and go to Japan.

"Mom?" Yoongi hadn't said anything about it  to her but he was more than ready to tell her now. "What's wrong?"

She looked up from her luggage as half of the things in the house were already moved to their new house in Japan. Except for Yoongi's things. He had put his in Hoseok's house but his mother didn't know about that.

"I'm not going to Japan with you." She raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "What? Yoongi we already talked about this. We're leaving tomorrow."

He shook his head. "No ma. I'm moving in with Hoseok. We already planned everything. I'm old enough to make my own decisions." She closed her eyes and sat on the bed. "Yoongi.."

He held her hands and smiled. "Ma, I can take care of myself. I'm growing up." She sighed. "Aish. You're right. You are growing up. It's too soon. Min Yoongi you better be safe. And you'll call me everyday. And you'll come visit me. And you'll send me postcards. And-"

Yoongi laughed and cut her off. "Yes ma. I will. I promise." She sighed and stood up. She kissed his head and looked around the room. "Really?" He nodded. "Really." She looked down  at their hands and hugged him. "Okay but you have to be out of the house by Friday." He nodded and kissed her cheek. "Then I'll start packing."

Yoongi and Hoseok were at the airport with Kris and Mrs. Min. They were waiting for their flight and Yoongi and Hoseok were there to give them a goodbye. "Flight to Japan please start boarding. Please let The elderly and people with disabilities go on first." The lady through a transmitter spoke.

They stood up and sighed as this was the last time in a very long time that Yoongi was going to see his mother. "I love you ma." He hugged her and closed is eyes, enjoying the moment he was having with her.

They pulled away and she kissed Yoongi's head. "You better not forget about telling me all the gossip." She murmured. "Don't worry I will."

She said her goodbye and left with Kris who hadn't said a word. Hoseok smiled and waved them goodbye. He put an arm around Yoongi's shoulders and watched the pair leave. "Ready to start a new life with me?"

"I thought I already had started one."


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