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Yoongi was laying on his bed when Jimin sent him a video.

No jams
Yoongi watch this now.

Are you a fucking idiot I'm not gonna watch porn for you. You stupid fuck. And what the fuck are you doing watching porn

No jams
No no. Listen. That's Jung fucking Hoseok in the video just watch it. And don't question why I'm watching It.

I swear if this is actually a porn video and Hoseok isn't in it I'm gonna beat your ass.

Yoongi sighed and watched the video. It was two males but the guy did seem to look a lot like Hoseok from the side but Yoongi didn't think it was actually him.

It was just someone who looked like him. Right? And who just happened to have his hair color. And who just happened to have his body.

He looked at the window and saw Hoseok with Taehyung talking. He looked back at the video and felt his heart drop when the male looked at the camera.

It was him. He knew because he had he same eyes. The same beautiful eyes that looked at him like that yesterday.

He kept watching the video though. And his heart sunk more more and more. Once the video was over, he looked at the black screen.

No jams
Yoongi? I'm sorry but I really needed you to see who you were dating.

Yoongi didn't answer. He stood up and pulled the blinds shut. He left his phone on his bed as he walked downstairs to his mothers room.

He knocked on the door twice before she let him in. "Something wrong baby?" He nodded and hung his head down low.

She pulled him in the room and sat on the bed next to him. She pet his hair and looked at him. "What's wrong?"

He fiddled with his fingers and looked up at her with teary eyes. "J-Jimin sent me something.." She rubbed his back.

"It's about Hoseok. Isn't it?" He nodded. She frowned and hugged him. "What did he do?" He hugged back and sobbed in her chest.

"Mama, He's a porn star." She didn't know exactly how to respond to that. Hoseok? A porn star?

"What?" "H-he sent me a v-video and it w-was Hoseok and a-another man." He sobbed and hugged her tightly.

"Mama w-we had only j-just done it." She rubbed his back and kissed his head. "Oh baby."

He cried and cried until he felt sleepy and dosed off on her chest. She sighed and laid him on the bed carefully before standing up and leaving the house.

She angrily made her way to Hoseok's house and banged down the door. Taehyung opened the door and greeted her. "Where's Hoseok."

Her voice was stern and scary. "U-upstairs." He moved out of the way for her to go inside. She banged open his door and slapped him.

"M-Mrs. Min-" She let out her tears that she had been holding in. "How could you! You said you wouldn't hurt him!" He grabbed his cheek and looked at her.

"I'm sorry what?" She sobbed and slapped him again. "You're a damn porn star! Did you think Yoongi wouldn't find out?! Huh!"

Hoseok's mouth went wide. "I-I" she slapped him for the third time before pushing him on the bed. "He's broken! All because of you! He was so happy with you!"

Hoseok looked down and sighed. She turned her heal and left. She was furious. Her son was back to stage one in his depression stage.

Only when he was finally getting better.

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