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Hoseok groaned and hit the wall. "Fucking Shit!" Taehyung was behind him, turning to calm him down.

"I'm such a fucking idiot!" Taehyung grabbed his wrist, preventing him from hitting the wall again. Hoseok stood there before looking back out to the window.

Yoongi's blinds were closed and his curtains covered the light. Hoseok sat down and held his head in his hands.

"Why did I think he was t going to see it? Why did I do it in the first fucking place!" He screamed at himself and threw himself on his bed.

"I lost him. I fucking lost the love of my damn life!" Taehyung frowned and sat next to him.

"I don't think he'll take an explanation." Hoseok growled. "Of course he's not! It's pretty obvious on what he saw." Taehyung rubbed his hair and sighed.

"I didn't know you were a porn star." Hoseok sat up and frowned. "I only did it for the money. I quit just a week ago but they wanted me to do a last one so I did. That was the last one." Hoseok sighed and stood up.

"He won't forgive me. I know he won't." Hoseok frowned and looked at his carpet. "I don't want to lose him. I promised I wouldn't hurt him and that's the first thing I did."

"Hyung." Hoseok looked at Taehyung. "If you love him that much, make him forgive you." Hoseok sighed again. "It's not that easy. Mostly not when your boyfriend finds out you're a porn star just the day after you had sex with him."

Taehyung looked around. "I guess your really fucked up then." Hoseok nodded and touched his cheek. "I guess I am."

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