Chapter 28

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Few month's later....

Comet's POV

It had been months since the accident, and I was able to leave early due to my fast recovery. My uncle came to check on me for a bit, but otherwise he could care less. As for Akiza, she is still out of the red zone, and on the road to recovery. Her parents spend mostly everyday with her, and she....she beginning to reconnect with them, forgive them.

As for me, I've took a few days at Duel Academy catching up on some work, but I think by now I've dropped out. Before I did they had moved me up to a Obelisk Blue, and I was able to get a proper farewell, and as of Leo...

Leo's mission has just begun, now as a Zodiac he's realized that he has to find the other's like him. I got to see one last time before the year had ended. He gave me a scolding, and then finally wished me luck.

I would never forget him or Duel Academy, but after what I've been through...Goodwin's right on one thing, time is running out, and I really need to find the other Dragon Holders..





. shouldn't be out in the open like this...Draco warned me.

" You don't' think I know that?" I snapped at him. Draco had a point though, ever since I last saw Goodwin, sector security has been keeping a close eye on me, and no where seems to be safe. " Let's lose them in the alleyway.." I whispered to him.

I ran into the dark and dank street. It reeked of different smells and waste. " This...this is how Goodwin keeps the side of his building clean." I huffed. I continued walking until I saw something strange on the bottom of the wall.

Draco sniffed it, and his eyes glowed. Something is in there....he growled.

" Really, so you want me to break-" I paused, and listening closely...I heard a girl....and she seemed lost, alone....." It's not something, it's someone!" I ran to the opening and tried to open it, but it was locked. " Draco, open the hatch!"

The dragon nodded and softly blasting it, the hatch opened.

" Thanks!" I got in and began to crawl towards the noise. The grey tunnels seemed to go on forever, but finally my powers noticed something. I stopped and their another opening lead to something straight down. " Hello?" I called out.

The sniffling stopped, and someone began to move under the vent. " Hello?" she called back. " Who are you?"

I chuckled softly. " A friend!" I answered.

A shadow began to move under the same vent, a girl. Her hair was kept neat, a light topish brown, her eyes were a beautiful cobalt blue...but their was something about her that struck me familiar.

The rose will fall in the darkness, but in the new light it will bloom as another.

" Draco...could she be..." My heart began to beat faster, I felt myself blushing.

" What are you doing here?" she asked, looking at me with tear stained eyes.

" I heard you from outside.." I answered. " I have come to see if you are okay, but by the looks of you...I think you need someone to talk to." I smiled gently.

She giggled a bit, wiping her tears.

" Can I come down?" I asked. She nodded her head, and with that I opened the vent and jumped down. Draco followed me as well, but the girl gasped a bit. " What is it?"

" Where did that dragon come from?" she asked, frighten.

My eyes widen. " You can see him?" I asked, shocked. Draco came closer to me, but was looking at her with starry eyes. The girl nodded her head.

She can see duel spirits....Draco growled. I nodded my head.

" Don't be scared, this is my friend, Draco. He may look scary, but he's really a big teddy bear." I joked. " Here you can pet him."

She hesitated, but gave out her hand, and Draco came to it and allowed her to pet his muzzle. The girl giggled softly, and her eyes lit up. I couldn't help but smile too. " Hello, Draco.." she smiled, but then she turned to me. " You didn't tell what your name was."

" My name is Comet, Comet Galilei." I smiled. " What's your name?"

The girl smiled softly. " My name is Yuri, Yuri Fudo."

Continues in Nogdog95's and Echosight's:

Yu-gi-oh! 5ds: Dragon Holder Rising

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