Chapter 11

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Comet POV

I would watch Akiza start to grow in her power, but not in a good way. I didn't know what to do...she was slipping, and growing farther away from me.

The Rose's power will destroy her!!!

" Ah!" I gasped falling on my bed. The same nightmare would haunt me every night now, but I refuse to believe it.

Comet...The stars keep telling you this for a reason! Draco hissed.

I shook my head, and look at him coldly. " No! I refuse to think that believe that her powers will kill her!" I hissed back.

Maybe this weren't met to be her power.. He whispered back.

My anger burned brighter. " Why would she be given this gift when she wasn't met to have them in the first place.."

It wasn't what you think...Akiza was never destined to hold Rosemary, but she...she saw potential in her and wanted to be hers. I warned her that Akiza wasn't ready to hold such power, not at such a young age, but she refused and came to her...So we used this to our advantage for the one that was destine to hold the power of roses hadn't come of age yet. So we allowed her to stay with Akiza until the right time.

" No...but once the power leaves her, then that would kill her! The strain of her body letting go of all that power so suddenly would kill her, Draco!" I yelled back.

The starry dragon's eyes sadden a bit, but I knew that it wasn't his fault. He had no power over the stars, he was only a guardian. I'm sorry, Comet..I never wanted to tell you this, but that foretold time is coming soon, and the person destined to hold Rosemary has already made herself known to you..

" That girl in the rose garden...Yuri? She's the one?" I questioned.

Yes..but her time is not completely here yet, and Akiza, her mind needs to be freed. Perhaps you could rid her of Rosemary before it's too late.

" Err.." I growled under my breath. I didn't like the idea that Akiza wasn't destined to bear the duty of being a Dragon Holder. I looked at Draco with starry eyes. " The only way I can save her, and maybe perhaps change the stars prophecy is to get us out of this forsaken place." I hissed.

Very well, but will she listen to you?

I looked away because I knew how close Akiza had gotten with Sayer. I seen the darkness grow inside her, and Rosemary's spirit began to turn evil. I had to save them both, but I had to get them out of here. I have to stop Sayer."


" Hey, Akiza!" I ran down the hall, and finally caught up with her. The pain in my heart came back once I had reached her. I looked up and saw the silver hair piece in her red hair. So you wore it then...I thought to myself.

" Oh, Hi, Comet!" I smiled. " What are you doing? I haven't seen you around much?" she asked.

I smiled back at her, grateful she wasn't lost, yet. " Yeah, well I've been busy, but I was wondering did you want to get together tonight. You know like catch up on everything?"

Akiza's eyes widen. " Um..Yeah, I'm sure Sayer wouldn't mind if I took the evening night." she smiled.

" Good, yeah, just meet me on the roof tonight, at eight? Is that okay?" I asked, my heart tensing a little more. Akiza, seemed to sense it, but just nodded and walked away.

Comet, are you okay? Draco growled concerned.

I took a deep breath. " Yeah, I'm fine. It's was was nothing." 

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