Chapter 15

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Third POV

" Comet Galilei?" The professor looked around the room waiting for an answer. " No here again?"

" He had a fever this morning.." Leo stated.

The professor sighed and looked at Leo. " So that slacker is taking a sick leave, he's been gone for weeks now." he huffed.

The class exchanged a glimpse of laughs and concerned. Leo felt a sting of anger in his chest. It's not his fault! You don't know anything about Comet!

In the midst of the chattering of student, an obelisk blue student with blue eyes and brown hair watched from a distance.


Comet's POV

" Akiza...this is all my fault, I should had told you all of this from the beginning!" I slammed my fist on the rail. My body never had felt so frail, the bones in my body began to show after a while.

" Comet!!!"

I turned to hear Leo's voice from bottom floor. I looked at him slightly annoyed, he's been worried about me ever since I came her, or ever since Draco brought me here. I looked at the starry dragon that stood next to me.

Comet, this was the only place where I could get you help, but you need to allow others to help you as well. You're causing yourself only more pain by staying in the shadows, and refusing to eat!

" This is my punishment, Draco..." I sighed softly. " Akiza wouldn't had been in this mess, if I had just come clean to her"

" Comet!" Leo placed his hand on my shoulder. I didn't want to pull away from him..

" I'm sorry, Leo. I just-"

" Hey, careful!" Leo gasped, giving support. My legs gave out for just a moment, and my body shook with weakness. " Comet, you're not well!" he hissed. " That's it, I'm taking you to the hospital wing!"

" No!" I snapped at him, my eyes flickering with stars. " I'm sorry, but I...I can't go there. I can't let them see these." I revealed the thorn scars on my arm. " I'm fine, believe me." I looked at him, trying to convince him that I was okay.

He looked at me, and shook his head. " You're not okay, Comet, that's the problem, but...I'll let you crash here, but you have to want to recover too. Don't think I don't notice that you're not eating, and everytime you sleep you have nightmares." he whispered.

I stood there frozen. " No, it's nothing." I smiled softly.


" Comet!"

I turned around, and there I saw her. " Akiza? Akiza, what are you doing here?" I gasped surprised running to her.

" I wanted to see you again." she whispered, her eyes glowing softly.

" I"m so sorry! I never wanted to do this to you!" I cried out, desperately. Her eyes looked into mine, but something changed; the wind picked up and red petal began to move.

" I think it's too late for that, Comet....I trusted you, and now you want to destroy me!" The petal glowed brighter and they began to surround her changing her into the girl she now called Black Rose.

" Please, please don't do this!!" I yelled at her. " Akiza!" I closed my eyes and the storm of roses came towards me consuming in a shadow of darkness.

*horse neighing!*

I looked up and from the darkness, came a starry white horse breaking the darkness. I opened my eyes and stared in complete shock. " Equius?" I breathed.

*Neigh!!!* The starry horse looked at me for a moment, and then as it's eyes turned red; it race straight towards me. Akiza's voice ringing in my mind, reminding me of my mistake.

" Comet!!! Comet, wake up!"


" Ah!" I shot up from the bed, gripping my chest. Leo looked at me with worried eyes.

" You did it again, Comet this has to stop, one way or another!" Leo's eyes glared into mine.

I looked at him, my eyes going dark. " I can't...don't you see, Leo. Another constellation has appeared to me, and now I'm forced to face this, but..." My hands began to shake. " I don't think I can."

" So what does this mean?" Leo asked. I closed my eyes, and taking out my deck. I knew that this was the only way.

" I'm putting my deck down, I have failed my mission, and I think Draco and the others need a bit of separation from me." I placed my deck in Leo's hands.

Comet....don't do this...I heard Draco's voice in my mind, but I tried to block it.

" I'm sorry..." I whispered under my breath. " I'm sorry..." 

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