Chapter 20

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Akiza's POV

I looked out the window, the stormy sky beginning to rise. I can see the rain beginning to fall. It's faint, but the spots on the window give it away. My heart feels empty now, but I have so much.

A boy with starry eyes, and spiky hair comes into my mind.

" No.." I whispered, shaking my head. I destroyed you and your fake promises...It's his fault that everything is happening to me, but......

I feel my heart was split in two, for a part of me wanted to forgive, and understand what Comet did wasn't his fault, but the anger inside me wanted to destroy her more. I look back and I can't help but bring myself into a wave of memories of when we were together...


One year before.....( Duel Academy)

It was another day of walking around the school, and more kids making fun of me. Comet was always by my side, and never before has he ever let those kids bother him, me on the other hand; I would had killed them already...

" Hey, Get out of here you freak!"

" Yo, Comet finally found a girl that matches your freakiness!" Another boy yelled.

" Hey, I least I have a girl!" Comet yelled back at him, and turned the tables onto the other boy. He would always just laugh at them, even when he was the one being laughed at. He never let them into his mind.

By the sea shore....

" Comet?" I turned to ask him something...He looked back at me, and smiled.

" Yes, Akiza?"

I looked back at the ground, and kicked some of the sand, in nervousness. Comet began to have a worried look on his face.

" This isn't what I said about you being my girl, cause I'm sorry to put you on the spot like that!" he began to blush. I looked at him and blushed too, but started laughing at the same time. He was so cute, when he was embarrassed.

" Oh, no!" I say, in between my laughs. " No, no...I was going to ask you about something else.."

Comet's face turned back to normal. " Oh, okay.."

" Well.." I start off. " Okay, how do you do it?!" I blurt out. He looked at me confused.

" You might have to be more specific.." he said...

" Right, um....Those boys, and even those other kids that pick on us...How do you just ignore them, and just not care?" I asked.

Comet smiled, and looked up to the sky. " Well, you see, that's just the thing I don't care..." he chuckled.

" How can that be?" I questioned him. " They were making fun of who you are, I mean it's not our fault that we have this powers.."

He turned to me, and smiled. " What you call powers, I called gifts. These gifts were given to us for a reason, and those kids don't understand that either because their afraid, or their jealous. People tend to hate what they don't understand, or what they want for themselves, but it belongs to someone else." he pauses for a moment. " I don't let them bother me because I know who I am, and if they can't accept that then the joke's on them."

" Comet..."

He turned to me, his eyes staring into mine. " You can't let them know you are hurting, it's a sign of defeat, and only empowers them. Stay strong, and just laugh makes them feel powerless. Remember that.."

I nodded my head. " You promise not to abandon me though, right?"

He looked at me, hesitant, but finally nodded his head. " Of course, You're like a sister to me, Akiza, and I will never let anything harm you. I'll always be with you.."


" Liar!" I spat, banging the window. " You lied to me, you left me here, even before our battle, you left me alone, and didn't trust my decision."

I begin to feel tears welling up, but I blink them away. Comet, you stood so proud even went people looked down to you, and I will always honor you for that, hurt me, and you'll pay for that...

" Akiza?"

I turned around to hear Sayer's voice. " Sayer, I'm sorry did I wake you?"

The man walked up to me, with such caring eyes. " No, of course not, but what is troubling you?"

I looked down. " I...I feel as if I made a terrible mistake, and yet it feels right..."

Sayer's eyes gleamed. " Is this about that boy?"

I nodded my head. " Comet, was trying to help me, but....I feel betrayed, and all I can do to get rid of this anger is to fulfill it. Comet is still out there, and he needs to be destroy once and for all!" I feel the pure anger and power returning to me.

" Yes, Of course, my Black Rose!" Sayer smiled, grimly. " The boy will return, and you will destroy him..." 

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