Chapter 5

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Night began to reach upon the sky and the stars shown bright. We were lead to a mansion in the middle to the grassy plains. I looked up to the house and was left completely dumbfounded.

" Wow!" I gasped.

" Yeah, my parents were rich in money, but definitely not in love." she huffed. I looked at her and I saw stress in her eyes. I nudged her shoulder.

" Hey, don't worry. If you want I can come with you." I offered my assistance, but she smiled and shook her head.

" No, this is something I need to do myself." I began walking towards the house. All I could do is stay and watch. I waited for a moment.....

" Yeah, right." I got up and slowly crept my way closer to the house, not so close that she would see me, but enough to see her parents..eating together and being happy?! I clenched my fist. I could feel the syncing anger from Akiza and I. We were both seeing the same thing. I saw both of them laughing from inside the house. " Do they not remember their only child?" I growled. A starry aura started to form around me.

Comet! Calm down, you don't know what they're actually feeling! Draco roared from inside me. I paused for a moment, hesitant, but he was right I couldn't lose control of my powers; not here. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths.

" Sorry." I whispered to myself. A suddenly felt an extreme rise in negative power. I turned towards Akiza. " Oh, no."

" How cruel can you be!!! You pushed me away, your only child away!! When I need you the most and you just toss me away and forget about everything!! Argh!!" she yelled with a red aura violently surrounding her. The window shattered and the lawn caught fire. I ran up to her.

" Come to me, Draco the Star Guardian!!" I yelled releasing the dragon from my deck and onto the field. The starry dragon roared and captured Black Rose. The same as I gripped onto Akiza.

" Let me go!!" she hissed violently. Her eyes filled with rage, which she couldn't control. I tried to stay calm and held her close.

" Akiza! You're blinded by rage, and the power is taking control!! Argh!!" I yelled as the scorching flame burned my legs. " Please, this isn't what it seems to be."

" You're wrong, I shouldn't have never came here, but now I know the truth!!!" she screamed and a powerful light shone from her arm. A crimson claws became scared, and began to show me it's power.

The stars will reveal the crimson dragon....The stars can only control it's power.....

As if the words itself held a ancient power, I felt my body take on a new form of my gift. The energy was real and deck began to glow. As if by habit I reached out my hand towards the Black Rose Dragon. My eyes glowed like the stars in the night sky. A white aura began to surround the both of us. Draco roared and he too began to release a newly found source of power.

What are you doing!!! Black Rose began to screeched loudly.

You're letting the power take control of you, and now I need to contain it!!! He yelled, the stars soon consuming the Black Rose. I released another wave of light and soon the flames seized, and Akiza fell into my arms totally out of energy to stay awake. I too fell to the ground, my eyes turning back it, to it's normal dark blue color. I was out of breath and my head was spinning, but I wasn't going to give in to this pain.

" It's okay..It's okay..." I huffed loudly trying to keep a steady breath, as I slightly moved the red strands of hair from Akiza's eyes. I turned towards Draco, who had defeated the Black Rose. " What was that?"

Draco's eyes soften and nuzzled my cheek. This was only a glimpse of the power that the Stars has given you...The stars were right and they will soon reveal the Crimson Dragon. He growled softly. I looked at him for a moment, then looked at Akiza's arm. The claw mark was there. That power and that mark had something in common. Her Black Rose, too had something that bound them to the Crimson Dragon.

" She's..she's a Dragon Holder." I gasped. " This whole time I was with a Dragon Holder."

Yes, and there will be others. We must continue our training, but for now we need to find a place away from here.

" Right." I nodded my head and help Akiza onto Draco's back. " Alright, let's get out of here before her parents see us."

Raroooooh!!!! Draco screeched and soon we became invisible to the untrained eye. We were in the sky when I relized how big the damage was to the house. She really had a grudge between her parents. They made a mistake looking so happy, the only added wood to the fire. I could still feel the rage that rested inside Akiza. I felt sorry for her, I wish I could understand how she felt, but I was an orphan. I never even seen my parents.

" I'm sorry." That was all I was able to say. There wasn't much room for pity for her. Akiza had told me about how her parents sent her away and how they were afraid of her powers. How they looked at her and called her a 'monster'. Something that most people would see in her, but I saw different. I mean I could be as dangerous as her if I wanted. She just needs training that's all, and I could do that. " Ah, err." A sharp pain hit my body. I uncovered my side which my hand subconsciously covered after she had passed out. It was too dark to see right, but by the looks of it. Blood soaked my hand.

Comet, you need to cover that wound! Where did you get that?

" must had been when I was grasping Akiza. I guess I failed to realize that she summon another monster, argh!" The thorns had ripped into my skin, but luckily the cut wasn't so deep. For now I simply tied a piece of my jacket onto my side. " Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. My only concern is for her." I referred to Akiza. She looked peaceful now, but when she wakes up. Everyone will see her for what she shows in her anger and regret.

" Sleep now, Rose for in the morning I promise to help you control your powers. I promise." 

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