Rucas- Kick Fear's Ass

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A/N: It's been forever since I've written anything because this semester is kicking my ass so I'm sorry for the wait and hope you enjoy this fic.

" ride Tombstone the bull!"

"That's the bull?!"

"I don't want him to be a disgrace to his community anymore."

All these thoughts of the past few days ran through Riley's mind as she saw Lucas get ready to ride the bull. Maya was right beside her, ready to see Lucas ride the bull. The two were like siblings, and Maya was eager to see her brother-like figure conquer this.

Riley, since the second she saw that bull, was wracked with fear. She knew Lucas had to do this, but it didn't stop it from scaring her half to death.

The second Lucas fell, Riley went to climb over the rail. Zay put a hand on her shoulder.

"Let go," Riley said, her eyes still on Lucas who hadn't moved.

"Riley, the bull-" Zay started.

"Let go," Riley pleaded. Zay didn't move, but Riley wriggled away from his grasp and flew over the fence and to Lucas.

"Lucas, wake up!" she yelled as she flipped him onto his back. She was shaking him like crazy, but he still hadn't moved and his eyes were closed.

"Lucas, wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" she screamed again. By now the other three had gotten there too.

Lucas still wasn't moving. Farkle went to feel a pulse, and all he got was a slim one.

"Somebody call 911!" Riley screamed. Paramedics were already close, but she couldn't see that. All she could see was them.

"Get Pappy Joe," she told Zay, who broke off in a dead sprint to get the older man.

"Come on, Lucas. Wake up, dammit!" Riley said to Lucas. Farkle and Maya looked at her, as she never used language like that. However, the situation warranted it, so they didn't say anything.

The paramedics came rushing over. Farkle and Maya had to pull Riley away, as she wasn't about to leave Lucas's side voluntarily.


"I want to ride with him," Riley said as she followed the paramedics with Lucas on the stretcher. The group was running, trying to get him there as fast as possible.

"I'm sorry, Miss. Only family can ride in the ambulance," the paramedic said without even looking at Riley.

"Look. His only family here is his grandfather who is driving himself so that he has a car at the hospital, so I am the closest thing to his family. I am not taking no for an answer so either let me go in or I will go in anyway. You're pick," Riley growled.

The paramedics glanced at each other before they motioned for her to follow them.

"Go ride with Pappy Joe," Riley told Maya, Farkle, and Zay. They nodded and ran off in the direction of Pappy Joe's truck.

The ambulance ride was both way too fast and way too slow at the same time. When they arrived at the hospital, Riley knew in the way the paramedics ran that it was bad.

Riley ran as fast as she could to keep up with Lucas on the stretcher, she was holding onto his hand despite how much the paramedics seemed to not like it. They started running into an area that the rational side of Riley knew she wouldn't be let into, but she didn't care.

"Miss, you can't go in there," a nurse who had joined the group told her.

"I don't care," Riley answered, not looking away from Lucas.

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