Everyone- Impact

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A/N: I got the concept for this one in my head and couldn't get it out. If you wanna listen to the song that inspired this, it's "In This Shirt" by The Irrepressibles. Enjoy, and more at the bottom :)

He sat alone one evening, contemplating everything in his life. He had so many various aspects that made him feel different things. He knew that he was very lucky, because many did not have everything that he had.

Most of all, he was happy.


Ahh, walking in Central Park in the early morning. While he loved doing many different pastimes, walking here beside the love of his life was definitely his favourite.

They saw a little old lady up ahead, walking a dog that was as big as she was but similar in attitude: gentle and happy. The couple laughed, wondering how a woman that small not only took care of a dog that big but also how she fit it in any New York apartment.

Later on their stroll, they saw a young couple sitting on a bench with coffees and breakfast between them, the girl talking animatedly to her partner. He sat with a grin on his face, obviously drinking in every word she said. The pair smiled softly to each other, remembering being in that position many a time.

Finally, as they got on the subway at the end of their morning stroll and began towards the rest of their individual days, he looked at the woman he loved. She smiled up at him, and the pair just gazed at each other as if they were the only two people in the world.

God, he loved her more than life itself.


She'd been at home relaxing for a moment before she began the things she needed to get done that night when her phone rang.

It took everything in her not to drop it next to her when she heard what the person on the other end had to say. She gathered everything she needed in mere seconds, rushing to get her son out of the other room before they raced out the door.

"Not like this," she begged internally as the two ran out of the apartment.


Sitting behind his desk, he smiled to himself as he thought about everything that this place had brought him.

He had so many good memories of his last school, but the one he had moved to had allowed him to grow with some of the most important people in his life.

He caught sight of an especially important person in the room, and smiled at her gently. She returned his expression before returning to what she had been working on.

He shook his head gently. That one was always focused when she needed to be, regardless of anything he did.

God, he loved what he did.


She'd gotten the call right as she finished wiping the last table in the bakery she worked at. Her best friend working with her noticed instantly how she paled at the words the person on the other end of the call spoke.

It only took a few words from her for her best friend to pale just as much. She threw the towel in her hand behind the counter as her best friend did the same. The pair barely remembered to lock the door behind them as they ran with all of their might towards their destination.

"Not him," she pleaded in her mind. "Please, not him," her best friend begged in her thoughts.


He walked the halls one afternoon. Most people had left, and the ones that hadn't were scattered at various activities.

He briefly touched a pair of lockers next to his destination, smiling to himself as he gave a special moment to the two that held those lockers. They had had an important role in his life for so many years, and they would always hold an extra special place in his heart.

Girl Meets World One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon