Markle- Touching Souls

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A/N: I've never written a Markle fic, so this one is probably crap, but oh well I tried.

Maya Hart sat in Bryant Park one afternoon, all alone as she thought of past events.


Her mom and Shawn were away for the weekend, so she had been alone in her apartment when someone knocked on the door.

It was her father.

"What do you want?" Maya asked, in no interest of being polite.

"We need to talk," Kermit said, walking into the apartment.

"Yes, please come in," Maya muttered under her breath before closing the door and following him.

"About what?" she asked.

"Custody," Kermit replied.

"Custody? Of who?" Maya asked incredulously.

"I want partial custody of you," Kermit answered.

"I'm sorry. You lost that privilege the second your hour long walk ran late," Maya sneered.

"I know I haven't been there much in your life, but I want to be now," Kermit pleaded.

"Well, that sucks, because I will never be in yours," Maya replied.

"You don't have a say in this," Kermit said.

"Actually, I do. I am going to be eighteen in two months. I can get my best friend's mother, the best attorney I've ever seen, to make sure this case drags out past those two months. The second the clock strikes midnight on my birthday I am a legal adult, and you can't make me have a relationship with you," Maya said.

"You are just like your mother," Kermit muttered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Maya asked.

"You're both so damn stubborn and bitchy," Kermit sneered.

Kermit saw anger flash across Maya's face before it went blank. "Get out," Maya said strongly.

"Excuse me?" he asked.

"Get out! Of this apartment, of my life! I never want to see you again!" Maya screamed.

"I am a grown ass man. I will not be told what to do like this by my daughter," Kermit replied, standing still in his spot.

"You lost the right to call me your daughter when you walked out on me and my mother. You will not come into my own home and disrespect me like this. Now get out before I call the police," Maya said, eerily calm as she pulled out her phone and opened the phone section, showing him the keypad.

He glared at her, but turned to leave. "I'm glad I left. I don't think I could have dealt with a miniature Katy for all these years," Kermit said as he walked out of the apartment, closing the door behind him.


As soon as Kermit left was when the tears started flowing. Maya couldn't stand being in that apartment anymore, so she left to go walking.

Somehow she had ended up in Central Park.

She didn't feel like being alone anymore, but she didn't know who to call. Riley was sick and Maya didn't want her to get out in the cold. Lucas and Zay were in Texas for one of their best friend's eighteenth birthday. Smackle's parents had gotten jobs in California, causing her and Farkle to break up due to long distance. The group still loved and missed her dearly, but they were trying to move on.

So that left Farkle. Maya thought he had a family dinner or something, but she wasn't sure so she called him. When she got his voicemail, she knew that he must have been at his family dinner, so she made up something so that she wouldn't worry him and hung up quickly.

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