Rucas- Just a Little Cold

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A/N: This prompt of Rucas taking care of each other while one of them is sick was requested to me like a million years ago, and I finally wrote it. As always, enjoy and more at the bottom :)

It was a normal Friday night, and Riley Matthews was sitting in her room listening to music as she edited some pictures that she had taken the previous weekend. She smiled to herself as she thought about how in just under a year she would be doing this same thing in her college dorm as a budding photography student.

Riley was taking a final look at the photo she was working on, deciding if she was satisfied with the final product, when a text message came across the top of her computer screen. It was from her longtime boyfriend, Lucas. All it said was a simple "hey", so Riley decided to give him a call to see what he was up to.

"Hey," he answered almost immediately, his voice coming out strained as a couple of coughs followed behind.

"Are you okay?" Riley asked, his voice concerning her.

"I'm fine," he replied, sounding anything but.

"You sound like you're sick," Riley said.

"It's just a little cold, I'm fine," Lucas assured her.

"Aren't your parents out of town though?" Riley asked.

"Yeah for the weekend, but I'm fine by myself," Lucas answered before a coughing fit took over his body, not helping his argument very much.

"That's it, I'm coming over," Riley said, closing her laptop as she stood up.

"No, really, I'm fine Riley. You don't have to come all the way over here. I'm fi-" Lucas started, only to be cut off.

"If you say that you're fine one more time I'm gonna smack you because you're clearly not and I'm coming over whether you like it or not babe," Riley said matter of factly. "I'll be over soon," she said, hanging up quickly before Lucas had time to argue anymore.

She grabbed her laptop and a tote bag. She put a couple pairs of clothes, her laptop, all of her chargers, a few toiletries, and her homework assignments inside. Her parents were gone for the weekend as well, having taken Auggie upstate for a tournament with his baseball team, so she figured that she might as well stay at Lucas' for the weekend to take care of him.

Riley slipped on a pair of shoes and threw her wallet in the top of her bag before walking out of her apartment, locking the door behind her.


On her way to Lucas' apartment, Riley ducked into a drug store. She wasn't sure if Lucas had any medicine at his place, so she figured that she should go ahead and get some on her way.

She grabbed cough drops, cough syrup, DayQuil and NyQuil, vaporub, and the ingredients for the honey lemon tea that her mom always made her when she was sick. She also got a thermometer, because she figured that she would rather be safe than sorry, and some of Lucas' favorite snacks.

When Riley reached the checkout counter, it was almost comical. To say that she might have gone slightly overkill would be an understatement. "Oh well," she thought. "Might as well be prepared."

When she was finished purchasing her items, Riley threw them all in the top of her bag and made her way to Lucas' apartment.


When Riley got to Lucas' apartment, she got the spare key that she knew was under the welcome mat and made her way into the apartment. "Lucas!" she called. "I'm here!"

A few moments later, an obviously sick Lucas made his way into the kitchen where Riley was sitting all of her stuff on the counter. "Hey," he said with a small smile.

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