Joshaya- Guardian

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She was home alone one weekend, her mother and stepfather having gone away for a few days. She was crying, as she had gotten into a fight with someone she thought would always be there for her.


"I'm not some little kid!" she screamed, at an opposite end of the room from him.

"Who said you were?" he screamed back.

"You, when you treated my like some kind of a child!" she retorted.

"All I did was make sure you got home ok!" he yelled incredulously, not believing she was this angry.

"By having three separate friends of yours follow me like shadows!" she replied.

Two hours earlier

Maya Hart had been hanging out in Josh's dorm. The two friends hung out a lot, usually just doing homework together.

"I should be going home," Maya said, standing up.

"I have to study for a midterm, so I can't walk you," Josh said, sounding concerned.

Maya grabbed his hand. "I'll be fine. I'm a big girl. I can walk."


"No buts. I'll be fine."

She told him goodbye and walked out of his dorm. He tried to leave her be, but his concern got the better of him. He called three friends and asked them to make sure she got home ok.

Maya had been walking home when she noticed three different guys following her. They seemed to know each other, but not so subtly trying to act like they didn't. She took a turn that was not on her path just to see if they kept following her, and they did.

She stopped in her tracks and turned around quickly.

"What the hell are you doing?" she asked.

"We were just-"

With that, the three explained, and Maya was seething. She told them to go home, and stormed the rest of the way to her apartment. She had called Josh when she got there, telling him to come over later for a "study break."

"So what?" he asked.

"I am eighteen years old! I don't need you to have people follow me home!" she screamed.

"I was worried about you!"

"I have lived in the city my whole life! I know how to handle myself!" she screamed, walking closer to him.

"Oh, because you have always handled yourself so well. You let some guy take advantage of you!"

The second the words left his mouth, he knew he had gone too far. He brought up the one thing that she told him never to speak of. She had been sexually assaulted when she was younger, and she had told Josh that in confidence.

Her face contorted in disbelief, then in fury.

"How fucking dare you?" she asked, not screaming anymore but her anger much more intensified.

"I didn't mean to. But Maya, am I wrong?" he asked.

"Get out," she said, trying to push him to the door.

"Maya, I was just worried about you. Excuse me for trying to look out for you," he said, moving towards the coat tree that was beside her door.

"Oh, go to hell!" she screamed at him, as he walked out the door.


She was sitting on her couch, crying, thinking of what might have been.

She and Josh had been so close. They were finally about to be at a point in both of their lives where they were ready to date each other. Then things weren't as good.

Suddenly, there was a knock at her door. She groaned, wondering who it was, and got up to answer it.

She opened it, seeing none other than Josh. He was soaking wet, as it was pouring outside.

"Josh, what do you want?" she asked, anger in her voice once again.

"You," he said. "I want all of it. Your sleepy mumbling. Your drunken embarrassment. Your silly faces. Your anger. Your dance moves. Your anxiety. Your apologies. Your sadness. Your stern looks. Your claustrophobia. Your exasperated tone. Your frustrations. Your past. Your decisions. I want all of it. I want all of you."

"What?" she asked, her voice quiet in surprise.

"I'm sorry. I was overprotective and I babied you. I'm so sorry, and I promise I'll never do it again. I want you, and all you have to offer Maya."

She stood still in her spot, taking in everything he had said. Before she really had a chance to react, he grabbed her by the face and placed his mouth on hers.

Shocked, it took her a moment to realize what was happening. She was kissing Josh Matthews. It was really happening.

She kissed back, every emotion and bit of passion that had been building for years came out in this moment. He turned, and pushed her back against the door, things heating up immensely.

Eventually, the two broke apart. She smiled and grabbed him by the hand, leading him with a mixture of lust and love in her eyes to her bedroom.


The morning sun crept through the curtains the next morning, sprinkling it's golden light on the two lying in bed.

Her head was laid on his chest, him absentmindedly tracing circles with his finger on her shoulder.

"Good morning," she whispered, still not fully awake.

"Good morning," he whispered back, even though he had been awake for awhile.

"I love you so much, Maya," he said, her turning her head while still remaining on his chest to look at him.

"I love you too," she replied, him leaning down to kiss her.

The two shared a deep kiss, taking in every second that they were together. They couldn't believe that after four years they were finally together. It was finally real.

"Ok, do you want some breakfast?" he asked, already knowing where everything was and that they had the apartment alone until the next afternoon.

"Of course," she replied. He stood up, walking to the kitchen clad in only his boxers as she slipped on the button up he had been wearing the night before.

The two worked in the kitchen, making pancakes together as they had the morning after the night they'd been waiting forever for.

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