Joshaya- Welcome Home

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A/N: This is a military coming home fic because I love watching those videos. Disclaimer: I know next to nothing about the military so any wrong information is all mine and I'm sorry. Also, this fic once again does not have smut but it gets close so if you don't enjoy that then don't read it. I hope you enjoy!

It had all started when he was 21. He had always kind of thought about being in the military, but he had never really considered it as an actual possibility until that moment. He didn't know anyone in the military. He didn't even completely know what it entailed. All he knew was that he wanted, more like needed, to do this. He didn't know why. He just knew that he did.

Maya Hart was 18 years old when Josh Matthews had told her this. She didn't want him to go, didn't want him in that dangerous of an environment, but she knew that if he was saying that he had to do it that he did. So, she "soldiered on," so to speak, and cheered him on as he went through the processes.

Eventually, he was deployed. He was supposed to be gone for a year. The two knew that it would be hard, but they knew that they would get through it.

Maya went along with her daily life, falling into the routine of calling him on the phone at 8:30 at night, it being 6 in the morning in Farah, Afghanistan where he was stationed. The calls weren't every day, or even every week, but whenever they could they talked.

Occasionally the two got to FaceTime, grateful every time to see each other's faces. They would talk about Maya's crazy teachers during her senior year of high school or her recent paintings, or Riley, or just about anything to be honest. They just wanted to talk.

The two mainly relied on letters. The personal feel of it was enough to make their hearts ache in missing each other, but Josh was following his calling. Maya couldn't have been more proud of him.

About six months into his deployment, Josh got some great news. He would get to go home early and be home for eight months. He would finally get to see Maya.

Josh got in touch with Riley as soon as possible. Those military surprises were always amazing to watch, and he really wanted to do that for Maya. So, the two Matthews' started planning.

Two weeks after Josh found out that he would be getting to go home, he finally landed in JFK airport. Riley was waiting to greet him at the gate, running up to him and hugging him the second she saw him.

"Uncle Josh!" she called, hugging him tightly as she hadn't seen him in six and a half months.

"Riley!" Josh replied as he hugged her back, grateful to see his niece.

The two made their way out of the airport and back to Riley's apartment, ready to put the finishing touches on their plan.


The day after Josh got home was a Friday, the day of Abigail Adams High's basketball homecoming. The school had been having spirit week all week, and today was their pep rally before the game that evening.

Maya was the pep rally leader. Somehow she had been elected to do it at the beginning of senior year, and despite the fact that she seemed like it would be the last job for her, she was a natural at it. She led all of the games and cheers to get the students pumped for the game.

Maya had been leading a game where students had to lay on the ground to spell out different letters of Abigail. It was a favorite that most of the students liked, so when it was done it was no surprise to her that people were laughing and having fun.

After that game was the time when the principal of Abigail Adams came out and said a few things to the students before they left. So, Cory Matthews made his way out to the middle of the gym to address the students.

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